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Everything posted by Tank

  1. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/time-magazine-cover-defends-decision-misleading-photo/ "Time magazine on Friday defended its decision to feature a photo of a crying toddler who was never separated from her mother on the cover of its July issue detailing family separations at the border."
  2. just wait till she starts tanking...
  3. well shoot, maybe we need another county sales tax or local gas tax increase.
  4. is that a step up or down? we used to get it from leno and letterman.
  5. just think of all the firsthand experience he has. gotta go with what you know.
  6. the political climate has changed dramatically in recent years. both sides have become more dug in against the other side and ascribe blame in broad, sweeping terms ("typical GOP, all they do is . . ." "again, all the libs want to . . ."). it's become decidedly more angry, and in some case more violent, and it's reached the point where there just don't seem to be any moderates any longer. this is not something to lay only at the feet of the our current POTUS, though he has certainly added to it and his followers feel empowered to act out brazenly. i think the 2020 campaign is going to be one of the worst campaigns we'll ever witness, worse even than 2016. it'll somehow be even worse if hilary runs again and wins the nomination. i hate the current political climate, and i don't see it coming to an end any time soon, if ever.
  7. i'm glad to see you're keeping up your new years' resolutions.
  8. yes - she way overstepped her place as an elected official. it was a horrible thing for her to say and to encourage others to do.
  9. then we'd have beaten the giants in five games instead of seven.
  10. wouldn't entertain that idea for very long.
  11. i've been on this site for about ten minutes tonight and have had this pop up over a dozen times already.
  12. any thoughts on maxine waters' thoughtful comments this week?
  13. if that suit could shoot some kind of laser pointer light out of it, it'd be pretty bitchin' at halloween.
  14. after their misleading cover last week, i'm guessing Time might drop a level or two on this scale.
  15. i'm guessing the 80 year old probably won't have the job too terribly long.
  16. Tank


    i've been wondering the same thing, lou. @Chuckster70 any way to fix this? it's pretty annoying.
  17. so did you understand all the stuff about kira, the girl that han loved?
  18. i'm with you on family guy. never saw the appeal of it. the first five seasons of the simpsons were outstanding. worth your time. i was mildly entertained by the office. don't think i watched beyond the second season though.
  19. on our way out of bed, bath, & beyond yesterday, we saw a place that was advertising eyebrow threading. i had to ask my wife what it was. btw, i picked up some fabulous body wash yesterday, and it was on sale! i'm going to smell like the beach all summer long.
  20. It's nice to see pics from Cals that don't involve, um, his dog watching tv.
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