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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Boy, the cynicism in this thread is frightening.
  2. sounds like they could use an experienced closer like jim johnson.
  3. well, i figured he was playing so much lately for a reason. best wishes, rivera. glad to have briceno and arcia for the rest of the year. like them both.
  4. a politician using scare tactics?? NO WAY!!!
  5. very true. michael jackson used to sleep in a hyperbaric chamber with the bones of the elephant man.
  6. 5 hours later and not a single sophomorish joke from any of you yet? #surprised
  7. depends on which event you're celebrating. these are the ONLY EVENTS OF NOTE that i could find for that day: national submarine day national eight-track day national cheese fondue day international be kind to lawyers day and of course, barbershop quartet day.
  8. i don't think "best player" is the same as "most valuable."
  9. and that's the rub in this discussion. does "best player" translate into "most valuable" for the voters? gonna be extremely tough to overlook the guys in boston and cleveland this year for a guy who missed almost a month and is on a team under .500.
  10. give him a call in november and see what it'd take to get him here. remind him he'd get to play with trout and ohtani, and that valbuena and marte are no longer with the club.
  11. yeah, pretty mind boggling, isn't it? i wonder how you fix something like this. kid definitely has some serious power. and once they can figure it out with him, then they can work on cowart.
  12. like any other player that's possibly available, i'd call the mets and see what it'd take to make a deal. i'd be willing to listen seriously for most anyone in the minors and everyone but ohtani and trout in anaheim. degrom doesn't put us over the top, but he'd be an incredibly important piece to move us in the right direction.
  13. you keep beating the drum for cron but keep missing the point. cron was jettisoned because he only play one position while marte and valbuena could both play multiple positions. this was explained to you the last time you kept hammering away at this argument. it's okay that you don't like the decision (i'd guess most of us feel the same way, especially in hindsight). but agree or disagree, that's the decision that was made. maybe you should write to eppler and unload on him about it 'cause you keep spinning your wheels about it here.
  14. yankee fans acting like doosh bags. what a shock.
  15. i honked at a cop last week. we were on a two-way street by my school. he was coming towards me headed west while i was headed east. the car in front of him slowed down to turn right and this clown swings out across the yellow lines into my lane to go around him. fortunately i had enough room to slow down before he could hit me, but it was too close for comfort. total doosh move by him.
  16. i would certainly consider it. it's been a nice change of pace to get some offense from the C from these two. whether or not they can sustain it for an entire year is another question, however.
  17. cool! fletcher thinks we can trade thaiss, ward, and blash for bumgarner, stroman, and fulmer! get 'er done, eppy!! ?
  18. daughter and i were supposed to go tuesday night, but her plans changed so we sold those tickets and bought tickets for tonight. great to finally see trout homer in person, along with ohtani. and yes, i wore my hat, my lucky hat, @Vegas Halo Fan.
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