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Everything posted by Tank

  1. seems like london isn't the best place for this kind of protest. i wonder how the british interpreted it? i would imagine to many foreigners it may come off as disrespectful to the american flag.
  2. i imagine he'll join marte, valbuena, cowart, and chris young this winter in finding a new employer.
  3. missed it by a country mile, didn't i? ah well.
  4. i'm following the apollo 11 page on facebook and this showed up today, fwiw. Regarding the film “First Man” A statement from Rick and Mark Armstrong and James Hansen. As far as I’m concerned this puts this to rest. Below is the full note, attributed to Neil Armstrong's sons, Rick and Mark, and First Man author James R. Hanson: “We’ve read a number of comments about the film today and specifically about the absence of the flag planting scene, made largely by people who haven’t seen the movie. As we’ve seen it multiple times, we thought maybe we should weigh in. This is a film that focuses on what you don’t know about Neil Armstrong. It’s a film that focuses on things you didn’t see or may not remember about Neil’s journey to the moon. The filmmakers spent years doing extensive research to get at the man behind the myth, to get at the story behind the story. It’s a movie that gives you unique insight into the Armstrong family and fallen American Heroes like Elliot See and Ed White. It’s a very personal movie about our dad’s journey, seen through his eyes. This story is human and it is universal. Of course, it celebrates an America achievement. It also celebrates an achievement “for all mankind,” as it says on the plaque Neil and Buzz left on the moon. It is a story about an ordinary man who makes profound sacrifices and suffers through intense loss in order to achieve the impossible. Although Neil didn’t see himself that way, he was an American hero. He was also an engineer and a pilot, a father and a friend, a man who suffered privately through great tragedies with incredible grace. This is why, though there are numerous shots of the American flag on the moon, the filmmakers chose to focus on Neil looking back at the earth, his walk to Little West Crater, his unique, personal experience of completing this journey, a journey that has seen so many incredible highs and devastating lows. In short, we do not feel this movie is anti-American in the slightest. Quite the opposite. But don’t take our word for it. We’d encourage everyone to go see this remarkable film and see for themselves.”
  5. since nobody has brought it up, i will . . . i wonder if they're related.
  6. and somehow, you look even more pathetic now.
  7. That's the kind of outside-the-box thinking that MAGA!
  8. That doesn't/won't speak very highly of that company, imho. qualification for the job should far outweigh gender, otherwise you're just filling quotas, and that could be to the detriment of company, consumer, or both.
  9. two weeks ago we had an ice cream social the day before school started. one of the returning 8th graders, an african-american girl, showed up with new braids in her hair, the kind that are long and take quite a while to attach. she looked very nice. in trying to strike up a conversation, i asked her who did her hair and how long it took, questions i've asked other black girls at school when they get new braids. fast forward to this week . . . a mom of a different black girl scolds/reprimands me about that conversation, saying that black women are offended when anyone asks about their hair. like one of the unwritten rules of baseball, we (men, whites, non-blacks? not really sure) are not allowed to ask them these kinds of questions. was so curious about this that i googled it but couldn't find anything about it. i did find a surprising number of articles advising people to stop asking black women if they could touch their hair, which i didn't know was a thing. i asked a black male colleague of mine about this unwritten rule and he looked at me completely puzzled. he's in his 60s and says he's never heard of such a thing. any of you ever hear about this?
  10. and what if the female candidates aren't qualified for those positions?
  11. well, good luck with that. personally, i'm not sure there's a preponderance of evidence to support this strategy.
  12. was there a video game tournament going on at your house?
  13. That doesn't mean NASA will have fully given up on Opportunity, though. After all, the rover was originally tasked with a 90-day mission and is still working almost 15 years later. USA! USA!
  14. good for the brewers. hope they have a lengthy run.
  15. lo and behold, Aaron Donald signed a new contract today. Highest paid player outside of a couple of QBs. Will be in camp tomorrow and is expected to be ready for game 1 vs. Oakland on Monday night. Should be fun to watch him and Suh play together. good, we wwill not have to keep going thru this with him every year.
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