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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Holy smoke, those are some powerful legs.
  2. The promotional campaign surrounding prop 8 has me confused. I have no idea what the proposition is about but all the ads on tv and radio tell me that if I want to save dialysis patients from dieing, I'd better vote against it. my question is this: why is there even a state proposition that would affect dialysis? And why wouldn't your health insurance cover it anyway?
  3. Why is it so many people have no clue that if the SCOTUS overturns it the states will enact their own version? Even more puzzling is the number of people doing their own abortions. Clinics are easily enough found all over so why do this on your own? and what that guy sad was absolutely idiotic.
  4. whenever i see mcconnor, he always look like he's suffering from roid rage. to me, all of this crapfest seems like a grab at publicity. and it seems to be working...
  5. trump got elected and kavanaugh killed thousands of women, all by himself.
  6. i'm guessing she'll soon be a former teacher.
  7. pretty spectacular show in the night sky.
  8. many good bread recipes out there. my M-I-L used to make amazingly good bread.
  9. we had to go back on thursday morning and the judge told us the case was over. she didn't say what happened or why, but the bailiff told me on the way out it was a case about weed. my guess is that when the defendant saw all 55 of us prospective jurors walking in, it got very real for him suddenly and he decided to accept a plea deal. i wasn't all that interested in serving this time, so i was going to make sure i mentioned that i work at a christian school, i'm very involved at church, i teacher bible class, etc. but never had the opportunity.
  10. no way! when i beomce angels GM, there will be more vegan restaurants than regular restaurants inside the stadium.
  11. from the lunatics i saw protesting outside the supreme court this weekend, they're convinced he raped his way to the bench. there's plenty of hyperbole from the senate on this, too. so yes to both (politics and public opinion).
  12. braves barely hold on to win 6-5. there will be a game 4.
  13. i hate the sound of the tomahawk chop from the fans. annoying as can be.
  14. machado strikes out but the pitch gets away and pedersen and turner move up to second and third.
  15. muncy k's on some 98 mph cheese right down the middle.
  16. this guy can't find the plate. this isn't going to end well for the braves.
  17. braves have now used up all 6 of their mound visits. i have no idea what this means or what happens if they need another one.
  18. vizcaino has already thrown 17 pitches. two on, nobody out. muncy up to bat.
  19. 6-5 braves T9. joc pedersen leads off with a single. turner up to bat.
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