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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i can see how that would totally ruin your outfit.
  2. Sorry. When she comes calling, you never say no to victors mom.
  3. Vegetarian, not vegan. I eat cheese/dairy. cheese dingleberries are not allowed in our community.
  4. These two are like one of those sticky boogers that you just can't ever shake off of your finger. You can't ever get rid of it/them. I'm so tired of both of them.
  5. What a bloody moron! Why would you take that kind of ridiculous risk?!?
  6. That sounds like the perfect reason why everyone should use a gasket.
  7. Wait, I thought at our weekly council meeting we all agreed to be supportive of him in public.
  8. My niece is a registered Disney travel agent. If you need some help I can put you in touch with her.
  9. LBJ ann richards? that's about all i can think of.
  10. not watching it, jerkface. btw, that's what i imagine the inside of every steak looks like.
  11. i'd like to hear more about the button location issue.
  12. Light the Halo (Geoff) often takes the train from LA to seattle and has posted on facebook how much he has enjoyed traveling that way. my grandparents refused to fly so they always took the train from chicago to LA. they were convinced that every single plane was going to crash. they enjoyed traveling that way. as others have mentioned, the ability to get up and move around and not be packed in tight like on a plane is a real nice benefit. i'd do a cross country train trip if i had the time. enjoy.
  13. dude, you live 15 minutes from disneyland . . .
  14. this thread suddenly got a whole lot better. rally, you're up.
  15. no. but take a look. all of these are legit. https://blackbeardiner.com/menus/
  16. sounds like he should have been born on some regular average day, like april 11.
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