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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Tankwins.com unraveling healthy eating one vegan lentil recipe at a time...
  2. that was a pretty poor decision to make.
  3. 19 years in anaheim. 13 years in los angeles. take it on faith. irrefutable.
  4. He's had to chase too many to the backstop in these first two games.
  5. After 19 years as an Angel, how is it that so many of you are absolutely convinced that he's still some kind of secret Dodger underneath it all? He spent 13 years with the doggies, six less than he spent with Anaheim.
  6. Wow, it's been a tough decade for Browns fans.
  7. Thanks. Middle of the night? #poornate
  8. i'm watching the game on the NFL app while i'm here at school doing some work. nice option to have. rams seem to be chewing through plenty of yardage but can't get in the end zone. they could use another TD here.
  9. one wet wipe plus the dump equals a clogged toilet in our house.
  10. Are you sure you didn't miss a turn and ended up in Wisconsin?
  11. i can never find ucla football games on tv. what channel are they usually on?
  12. the son was mowing the lawn and his 76 year old dad went after him with a chain saw as part of an on-going feud. sounds like they put the fun in dysfunctional.
  13. this is as awesome as listening to @RallyMo talk about his lifelong devotion to the clippers.
  14. why would the saudi's (or anybody else) want to kill this khashoggi guy?
  15. welcome to the club. dues are due on the 1st of each month. ketchup? seriously? LOL WTH.
  16. i said earlier that this should be called the "testing the waters tour." this will be the dems version of trying to rally the troops and she'll use it as a gauge on whether or not to run in 2020. it's no coincidence that this is happening after the midterm elections. there'll be a lot of support for her and cries about how she already beat trump once in the popular vote. if they're being savvy about this, they'll schedule these events in states where she didn't campaign last time or where her support was really close to beating trumpy. i s'pose it's possible she'll also go to her base to start building up some momentum. whatever her strategy, i hope it fails miserably and she hits the bricks back to wherever home is these days. enough of these two already.
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