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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i don't know much about the history of it, but the idea of absolutely any child being born here automatically becoming a citizen and how it's been abused over the years probably needs to be looked at at some point.
  2. let's hope he kept his calendars from when he was in high school.
  3. it fires up the loonies in his base while pissing off all of the libs at the same time. it's an interesting strategy.
  4. we stopped having pumpkin pie at thanksgiving. my wife found a recipe for pear crisp, and it's fantastic. we've had this for about the last 5 or 6 years.
  5. i'm completely with you on this. the excitement of getting to the WS was unbelieveable. hope to see it again a few more times before i take the big dirt nap.
  6. he'd have to go to the chisox first. and frankly, i'm okay with that.
  7. they'll poach bud black from colorado and all will be good.
  8. he's a better option than eric young jr and anyone else they rolled out there in recent years. give him a call, eppy.
  9. i've read your posts. we've all read your posts. the angels were not going to make pujols a part-time player. cron was not going to play any position in the field except first base.
  10. someone please carve this in stone.
  11. thanks, buddy. that was response was right smack in the feels.
  12. i always liked garvey, but one of the things that stands out in my memory of him is before the '81 WS (at least i think think that's when it was). he told the reporter that he and his wife didn't have sex the night before big games. something about it being exhausting and wearing a guy out for the next day. that always struck me as really odd and made me question whether or not i wasn't doing everything the way i should be if this guy was still feeling the effects a day later. never was bothered by lasorda early on. kind of appreciated his whole "bleeding dodger blue" schtick. but as he got older, he got crankier. a few years ago, there were several dodgers at hollywood bowl for a summer concert on july 4. tommy came up to speak at some point and just turned into a gigantic doosh nozzle. he went on and on about how the only angels in heaven are not from anaheim and was talking smack about the halos with every breath. the crowd loved it but it made him look like a bitter old man who couldn't stand the competitive success of the halos. i have no interest in hearing from him again, on tv or otherwise. i also heard his restaurant in pasadena sucked.
  13. with his notoriously poor playoff performances, i can't see any team forking over huge bucks for him. he'd be smart to stay put.
  14. that's awful to hear about your sisters' friends. we've reached a point where being angry about politics in public has become not only common, but aggressive and confrontational. it seemed to start around the clinton years, and then got progressively worse to what it is today. it's easy to blame it on the politics of whoever is president, but our ability as citizens to disagree has eroded miserably.
  15. there are some seventh-day adventist churches that have armed security people on site, but from what i've heard so far they're local members of the congregation and NOT trained security people. that seems like a potentially huge legal headache at some point down the road. i don't like having armed people at a church. i also don't like that it's come down to that and that there are such sh*ty people in the world that some see this as a necessity.
  16. if reports are accurate, the first caravan won't arrive until early december. they have a lot of mileage to cover and they're mostly on foot. fwiw.
  17. my mens' chorus has been considering an evangelistic trip to cuba. we were originally talking about going next march, but we haven't talked about it in a while and i'm guessing the idea has faded away. bummer, as i would've liked going there.
  18. "Gloom, despair, and agony on me.." if you watched Hee Haw way back when, you know the song.
  19. i wonder why more firstbasemen are not able to play third. it's a corner infield position that is roughly equivalent on that side of the diamon, though you need a stronger arm and will lilkely see more ground balls hit your way. this is a very weak comparison, but i started off as a baseball player at third and transitioned to first - it was a very easy transition to make, and i wasn't near the elite athlete like most of these guys are. i wonder why the reverse doesn't happen more often. they tried it with trumbo, who wasn't awful at third, but i felt like they gave up too quickly on him. and some here may remember that pujols played some third base for the cardinals early on in his career. just a thought.
  20. so you're saying that both of these guys will need a second TJS within the next twelve months, right?
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