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Everything posted by Tank

  1. that's something a head coach can directly affect. i hear sosh is available . . .
  2. awesome. thanks. so a burlesque house, eh? did the simpsons make a victor's mom character?
  3. peters has been a bit of a disappointment this season. the defense is giving up WAY too many points, especially in these last two games. the cell phone stunt was idiotic and could have really hurt his team because of the penalty.
  4. where's that gif of old man simpson walking into a bar, hanging up his hat, and then picking it up again and walking out?
  5. LOL. why would the angels consider trading their best prospect for a guy hitting free agency and NOT sign him to an extension?
  6. yeah, count me in the camp that would like to see an experienced 4th OF instead of another shot for hermosillo right now. let him go back to AAA and work on whatever hitting problems he had in anaheim last year.
  7. i wanted arrieta. i'd still take him. still laughing at anyone who wanted heyward.
  8. okay, i'll ask . . . just where exactly are these seats?
  9. i think that little hesitation kick with his foot is probably distracting to hitters. anyway, encouraging video.
  10. i remember joe morgan on a sunday night game in anaheim saying that vladdy always ran like his feet were hurting.
  11. they fired stevens and nachbauer and replaced them with Desjardins (a former head coach of Vancouver) and former player and King Marco Sturm. It's on an interim basis. Desjardins had three unspectacular years in vancouver so i'm not really expecting much from him. They need some new personnel on the ice, too. I like that they've been trying out some of the kids, but they've been rather vanilla so far and aren't really making any kind of an impression. At this point I should also admit that I've missed watching a few games/periods, so I haven't really seen anything that stood out yet. This season feels like it's over already. Time to play for a job for next season. Hope that they can find the right coach. Maybe they can bring back Sutter . . .
  12. he rejected an assignment to SLC and has chosen free agency.
  13. my dad has been planning details for his funeral and asked me to take care of the music for the service, so i've bought a few songs on iTunes recently.
  14. prop 6 is a repeal of the gas tax and increased car registration fee that brown rammed through the state legislature. i'm absolutely voting yes on it.
  15. she gets no free pass from me, especially on grilled cheese wednesdays. wait, maybe i need to reassess my strategy.
  16. I think if the halos make positive growth and improvements over these next two years and become a playoff team, and if Trout likes the coach and his vision for the team, I don't think it'll be tough to re-sign him.
  17. Pujols always speaks English when he has lunch with me and Alex Curry.
  18. Yep. What Blarg said. Tripling the car registration fees was just the final straw.
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