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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i kinda figured that was why. sorry about the sleep thing. i totally get that.
  2. my daughter was younger than 10 when some kids at school gave me gift cards to barnes & noble one year. i think i had more than $75 to spend. so we shopped and found some things and paid for them with the gift cards. a couple of weeks later we returned for more books. my daughter saw the rack of gift cards available and said we should get another one. when i asked her how much we should get she quickly said "$100!" She didn't understand that you only get the amount on the card that you pay for. She thought you spent $10 or whatever and could pick whatever amount you wanted for it. We had a brief but pointed discussion about economics at that point. I'm thinking someone needs to do the same with AOC.
  3. yeah, i'm not terribly bothered by the experience factor, either. one of the repeating complaints on this board is rehiring the same ol' same ol', so if we want different than that, it means hiring people without any previous experience specifically in gov't. I'm okay with any administration doing that. just make sure whoever is being hired has a track record of success in whatever field they were in, and make sure they can competently handle the responsibilities of whatever position you hire them for.
  4. oh come on, man. lots of soldiers are now wearing camoflouge preppy wear. it's so chic.
  5. yes i am! as well as the team from the jobe-kerlan clinic.
  6. slap some onions on there and we'd be good to go!
  7. " an alleged cisgender ex-boyfriend who identifies as a gay man." WTH.
  8. is it too early to order a florko jersey yet?
  9. The Kings could certainly use a couple of guys like that.
  10. I see him as a #2/3. i think he's there within three years. the first year will have its normal amount of adjustments for a rookie learning major league hitters. Ive been keeping tabs on him here with everyone else. Would like to see him pitch in person.
  11. So does this mean Griffin is gone also?
  12. No, not at all right now. we need quality pitchers and he looks to fit that bill.
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