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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Ya know, I understand some of the frustration here, but what team could survive with the losses of Richards, Heaney, Skaggs, Wilson, Street, Simmons etc? It's a lot to have to overcome. But man, there is a lot of negativity here at times, and a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacking. To listen to some of this one would believe that if we just had a different manager we'd be winning despite the injuries. Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a long season unless those guys return in the next week (which they aren't), so we'll have to hope for some adequate replacements (like hopefully Chacin) until some of those guys are ready to play.
  2. Look at the bright side. If they blow the game you might have a medical emergency, but you'll be able to post more negative shit.
  3. Trout with a hit and Albert will get a chance with runners on first and second.
  4. Well the inning comes to an end. 7-6 mariners. The Angels have the top of the order up in the ninth. Lets go halos!
  5. Chacin goes 7 innings giving up 2 runs on 5 hits..pretty good debut.
  6. The Angels bat around and have three homers in the inning..did my eyes deceive me?
  7. Trout bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6-2 Angels. Man he hit the snot out of that one!
  8. You got your wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kole bomb makes it 5-2 Angels!
  9. Johnny drama ties it up with a G bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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