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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Red flags warnings are in effect for all of SoCal. We're ripe for the arsonist.
  2. I would have agreed with you Scotty (about having a solid young core to build around) until Richards and Heaney went down and Skaggs taking much longer than expected to return. The problem here is that we lost our number 1 and 2 starters for at least two years with the possibility that they may not return at all and if they do how effective will they be?. (there's no guarantee see Skaggs) All during the off season there was post after post by people counting on Skaggs this year and as we can all see now he can't be counted on to return anytime soon even now! The Angels are in a bad situation in regards to their starting rotation and it's going to take a good amount of luck for them to survive whats happened. In addition to needing some luck with their injured players the Angels are going to have to make some prudent signings. The only way I think they can be competitive in 2017 is to venture into the free agent market. The question is will they do so..the answer remains to be seen. The starting pitching is in a shambles with far too few players to fill out the rotation. We don't have a number 1 starter unless Matt Shoemaker continues to pitch good (some of that luck that's needed) and we don't have a number 2 either. Positions 3, 4, and 5 are presently occupied by arms that just aren't getting it done. Perhaps Lincecum will bale us out for one of those spots but he's only signed for the rest of this year. And even if CJ Wilson comes back he'll be gone in 2017 along with Weaver.. Santiago, Chacin, Trop..nothing there imo. Santiago's inconsistency makes him no better than a number 5, the other two...
  3. If he keeps pitching this way it doesn't matter what age he is.
  4. You seem to be pretty forgiving of his "struggles" and are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, yet you are adamant about trading Matt Shoemaker who has had and is having success at the major league level unlike Grichuk who looks like he's heading back to the minors unless he turns it around. "Who said anything about reacquiring him? The only post I saw about reacquiring him was when someone said "Maybe we can get him for Salas"." lol So, someone did indeed inquire about reacquiring him..no? lol
  5. Jeff, Rose has dubbed himself as the "Hit King". Of course It doesn't mean anything. lol Just like the "Combined Hit King " doesn't mean anything. lol The only thing that is real here is that Pete Rose holds the record for most hits in MLB history. The rest of this stuff is bs. btw..it was just a shot at a little humor.
  6. I just don't get it. People are adamant about their desire to trade Matt Shoemaker who has had and is having real success at the major league level, yet the same people think that a guy like Grichuk who is getting closer to the minors everyday is someone that's worthy of reacquiring! I mean seriously?
  7. It would be easy to say that Shoemaker was a fluke in 2014 if he wasn't pitching so stellar right now. But the fact is the guy is lights out at the moment. Of course he's not going to continue to pitch at this level for the rest of his life but I think it is evidence that he isn't a fluke. Flukes don't normally make comebacks after struggling like Shoe has. I admit I thought he was a one year wonder after he started out this year poorly but his performance speaks for itself.
  8. This isn't really accurate imo. Shoemaker had a stellar rookie season only to have an all too common sophomore jinx type year last year that spilled over into the beginning of this season. And now he's pitching even better than he did his rookie year. In fact, in his rookie season Shoemaker steadily got better as the season progressed. If you remember while he was winning in the beginning he wasn't able to go very deep in the game early on then started going deeper later in the season. I'm not going to try and predict what Shoemaker might do in the future but it would be really hard to take if the Angels traded him for a couple of unproven prospects only to see him continue to excel. Not a no-brainer at all imo, in fact, I think it would be a tough call and risky to trade him at this point.
  9. I think I may have hit upon a solution for this dilemma and a way for Rose to keep his title as the "Hit King". Simply, Ichiro will become the "Combined Hit King" and Rose can remain the "Hit King". Of course despite both being great players, neither one of these guys is the best hitter in professional baseball history, but maybe it will make them and their fans feel better. Thoughts??
  10. Since Hank has fewer home runs than the above three, perhaps he could be the most popular "Homer King"? Well except for those that think the Babe is the most popular. Or, the Babe could be the most frequent Homer King because he set his record with three or four thousand fewer at bats than Hank?????
  11. Exactly. People seem to forget that the ABA and NBA merged. I don't see MLB and Japanese baseball merging anytime soon.
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