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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Don't worry guys, the Angels have plenty of depth at the pitching position..so i hear.
  2. The Angels are 25 games into the season, so I think it's safe to assume it's light years too early to be talking about what they need to do with Calhoun. Dude the Angels are 16-9..it's too early to be pushing the panic button. Let it go and try and enjoy the season..this is the best start they've had in years.
  3. If Richards is truly an ace then isn't throwing a quality start expected of him? I don't think going 6 innings it's asking very much from an "ace". Hopefully Richards can get his injuries behind him and start throwing more than 5 or 6 innings with over 100 pitches. I don't think the Angels will extend him, if they do I don't think it would be for more than 2 years because his arm is a question mark. In fact I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Angels let him walk at the end of the year even if he's healthy..if his arm fails before the end of the season then he's obviously done here.
  4. Not a bomb but a run none the less..start of a comeback?
  5. I don't think Mickey was much of a drinker in 1951...later on..different story.
  6. @Jeff FletcherWe're lucky to have you here Jeff and you are appreciated. Thanks!
  7. It's very early of course, however it's nice to see the Angels get off to a good start thus far and it's been fun to boot.
  8. By the tone here you'd think we were 5 runs down.
  9. I didn't vote because Jose Alvarez wasn't an option in the poll. If he doesn't clean up Richards mess the game very easily could have gotten ugly and turned the other way. Honorable mention to Scioscia for taking Richards out.
  10. We need more healthy arms that aren't questionable. JC is now down, Shoe may or may not be, Richards is no guarantee to finish the season. I believe the Angels need to make a move for another starter if we are going to compete for the entire season. This was a fear of mine early in the spring..way too many question marks and recently repaired arms in the rotation.
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