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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Getting back to the thread topic about Trout's season this year being the greatest in history is imo frankly absurd (of course the year isn't over by a long shot so..) and just a by product from the people that want to convince others that WAR the stat of all stats. I mean really, I love Trout as much as anyone here (hope he plays his entire career here) and I've marveled at his greatness like most from the beginning..but the best season of all time??? I'd like to have some of the stuff those guys are smoking. This entire premise of Trout having the greatest season ever after just 43 games is just more proof that WAR ain't all it's cracked up to be. I'm sorry, but this is nonsense. YMMV
  2. Anyone that thinks this is the "post steroid era" is kidding themselves!
  3. Yeah, not winning ROY destroyed Sierra's career. lol I've read some nonsense before but this is as good as Torres beating out Ohtani. If the ROY vote were taken today Ohtani would probably get every first place vote! This guy is trolling us.
  4. I'm not saying that "Kole is totally unable to pull it off". The fact that the average bunter is no better or worse than 2% means nothing as it relates to a specific player. Are you assuming that Kole (at the worst) is no more than 2% worse than the best bunters? What if he's 80% worse? lol
  5. It was an example bro, not an absolute or an assumption! Again, you assume Kole can beat the shift by bunting because you think it's easy for him to do..it's why you have suggested it..you think it's easy. According to you all he has to do is bunt a few times and problem solved..sorry but that's nonsense.
  6. I don't think anyone here is being a dick..I think what's happening here is that people just assume that Kole would easily beat the shift by bunting therfore breaking out of his slump.
  7. One of the best bunters in history (maybe the best) only had a 49% career success rate bunting for a hit. Most players don't even come close to that percentage and I seriously doubt that Kole would either.
  8. I believe Hornsby hit .400 three times in 24 seasons..not a lot.
  9. I'd say it's a lot more likely that someone that thinks players used to hit .400 all the time doesn't get it..just saying.
  10. On what planet did MLB players "hit .400 all the time"?
  11. The shift generally works best against ground balls and has little effect (imo) on xbh!
  12. If it were so easy as some think players would be bunting a lot more than they do. Nothing in baseball is easy but some guys that played Little League think it is.
  13. You're assuming his average would go up..I'm saying it's not a certainty!!
  14. You're assuming that Kole would be able to get down a lot of bunts..I don't think it's as much of a certainty as you do.
  15. That's not the question..the question should be if you think Kole bunting a few times is going to get him hitting again? I doubt it, but he might get on base a couple of extra times which I don't think would make any difference one way or the other.
  16. Bingo! The league average has nothing to do with how a specific person will do.
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