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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. I definitely don't agree with CALZONE's nonsense!
  2. Yeah, we'll never know if Ted Williams was any good due to his poor record on the "big stage". lol Lets face it, you're waaaaay off base as usual.
  3. Go Halos! Go for the sweep..keep the streak alive!
  4. Today someone named Meredith McIver confessed to lifting the passages from Michelle Obama's speech and offered to resign but apparently Trump wouldn't accept her resignation. So the first thing that comes to mind is that it wasn't just an accident as some have tried to suggest (spin). Of course we all knew that anyway but cons gotta do what they gotta do. lol And it all sounds well and good now, except, as I posted earlier in this thread Melania Trump said previously that she wrote the speech. Well which is it, if Melania didn't write the speech then she is lying about doing so. If she did write the speech then Meredith McIver is lying about it! Which might lead some to think she is simply falling on the sword to take the heat off of Melania? Lying Melania..Lying Meredith? The saga continues.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Weaver pitching for the Angels next year.
  6. Correct! The Obama's are the devil, the embodiment of everything that is evil and wrong with our country..well, except for their speeches.
  7. This whole thing (Melania's speech) will only last a day or two then it will be back to the fear selling champaign by the right, but watching the spin in the mean time is really fun.
  8. As was pointed out last night at the Republican Convention there are multiple things to be afraid of today, but what worries me the most are the rapist Trump says are coming across the border everyday. Be afraid, be very very afraid. I'm not sure what scares me the most, Trump being president and having his finger on the button, or having the person that killed Vince Foster in the WH.
  9. Except she says she wrote the speech with, as she said, "very little help". So did she write the speech or not..if she didn't she's lying and if she did maybe she should be fired. lol
  10. Just an observation, but isn't it interesting that all of a sudden cons don't seem to know the meaning of plagiarism?
  11. Bingo! There's also a difference in quoting JFK, MLK, Roosevelt and plagiarism. The spin coming on this is interesting.
  12. Except she claims she wrote "most of it". Any bets on which parts she will claim she didn't write? Crooked Melania!
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