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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Skaggs starts the 6th! Is he in for just one hitter?
  2. Alright we have something going. Trout with a chance to give the Angels the lead.
  3. ROTFL!! Well Scotty, you're good at the insults..I'll give you that, but if you think Walter Johnson only threw 82/83 you're delusional or your study that cultivated that nonsense is! Evidence? LOL You don't have any evidence that would approach any kind of acceptable credibility. I'm not going to pretend that I know how fast Walter Johnson could throw, but the notion that he only threw 82/83 is laughable. "Walter Johnson couldn't get out of the first inning today"..You're killing me Scotty. lol
  4. I think your comprehension needs a little work Scotty..I didn't say anything remotely close to that. What I said was that Walter Johnson threw one pitch (a fastball) for about his first 10 years in MLB and that he developed a curve in his 30's. I'll reiterate..the notion that Walter Johnson only threw 82/83 is not believable..sorry Scotty I'm not buying it.. BTW..you might recall former Card/Pirate/Dodger/Astro/Angel pitcher Jerry Reuss? He got by for most of his career (about 20 years) with only a fastball. He had a cut fastball (that he added while with the Dodgers) and a sinking fastball that he threw for the first part of his career. That was in the 70's & 80's so maybe you don't consider that as modern times? He won over 200 games in his career with just a fastball. I'd consider that "successful". Perhaps you are of the opinion he couldn't do that today? ymmv
  5. BTW..Walter Johnson only had one pitch his first ten years in MLB. He didn't even develop a curve until he was well into his 30's. He never would have survived with only a 82/83 fast ball those ten years. Sorry, I'm not buying it. YMMV
  6. Any study that says Walter Johnson only threw 82/83 is not believable..sorry..I'm not buying it.
  7. Bob Feller and Satchel Paige only threw 75/80? Seriously?
  8. That game was no fun at all. I just can't imagine that Lincecum would be given another start.
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