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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Well we can all agree with that.
  2. Bob (shine) is from the old Angels MLB board and so am I. His hatred of the Dodgers and Scioscia is well know by those of us that posted there. While it can get tiring I don't think he is a troll. He does have other valid opinions regarding Angels baseball. I can't say for sure but I believe shine has been an Angel fan for many, many years. btw..I don't agree at all with Bob's opinion of Scioscia and I don't think he's a troll..annoying, probably, but not a troll. lol ymmv
  3. Well, I can't answer that. lol
  4. One has to understand where Bob (shine) is coming from. He really doesn't like the Dodgers, actually, he hates the Dodgers and everything associated with them and that includes Scioscia, Hatcher, or any other former Dodgers that have been employed by the Angels. I don't want to speak for Bob but I think it bothers him that the Angels haven't employed more former Angels. After all the Angels have been around for 55 years and one would think that there would be a few former Angels that could serve the organization in some capacities such as manager or GM etc but apparently the powers that be don't seem to think so. As far as Dipoto and Scioscia go there was obviously friction there but I seriously doubt that was the sole reason Dipoto jumped ship and Bobs (shine) constant blaming of Scioscia for everything is overdone due to his hatred of everything related to the Dodgers. ymmv
  5. Dipoto was a quitter plain and simple. If he had had any class at all he would have finished the season and then left. There was no immediacy to his leaving other than his bruised ego. Jerry took his ball and went home like a little boy and left the Angels hanging in the process.
  6. This move had to be done, it probably should have happened after his last start. You can't keep running a guy out there that gives up multiple runs in the first and second inning or gives back a lead all the time because it will eventually have an adverse affect on the team when he pitches. I wouldn't mind seeing Lincecum go down to the minors to try and work out his problems. Maybe he'll find something down there and maybe not. One thing is for sure, the major leagues is not the place for that. As to who will take his place in the rotation..beats me..maybe Chacin?
  7. ^^^This^^^ The Angels took a flyer on Timmy because we were desperate for a starter but It's obviously not working. If Lincecum wants to work on his game some more perhaps he should do it in the minors. If that's not acceptable to him then he needs to be released.
  8. One inning too late. Maybe he found something? [/sarcasm]
  9. I was hoping Timmy's last start would be his final one. I'm now praying this is his last appearance in an Angels uni.
  10. Hopefully Timmy will do the Angels a favor and retire effective tomorrow to prevent them from sending him out there again.
  11. Bunt single..take his sorry ass out of the game..PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Well Timmy has managed to give it all back. When is he going to be shown the door?
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