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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Something else must be going on here. Here the Dodgers are in the middle of a race with the hated Giants for the West and they have Puig down on the farm hitting around .400 and the guy the Dodgers replaced him with is hitting .149!! There just has to be something else besides Puig being immature going on here.
  2. I can't imagine Arte putting Puig in an Angel uniform.
  3. I would trade Shane Robinson straight up for him as long as the Dodgers ate half or more of his salary. (is he still on our roster?)
  4. It would have to be really cheap, and I mean cheap..like a bag of batting practice balls.
  5. I still find it difficult to take someone that calls themself Turd seriously. lol
  6. If the Dodgers were really trying to give Puig away he'd already be gone. This suggest to me that the price is too high or it's not enough of a bargain to entice someone to take a flyer on him.
  7. For trashing Weavers reputation with stories from some anonymous third parties like "bouncers" and "bartenders". And btw, accusing Weaver of having a huge drug problem as you suggested and being "lit" 98 percent of the time is NOT an opinion..it was a statement of fact from you that imo is reckless and uncalled for. I admit the story you presented is compelling even though it's nothing more than horse slop and pig vomit, but some people just have to do what they have to do.
  8. Dude, I've never read anywhere that Weaver has a "huge" drug problem..never! Your anecdotal story isn't evidence that Weaver is "lit" 98 percent of the time. You simply made it up and should apologize. Trashing someones reputation is really pretty low especially when the story teller doesn't know shit. YMMV
  9. Terry reports that this win was the third in the last 17 for the Halos..ouch!
  10. Johnny drama had a lot of big hits for the Angels. Hope he lands somewhere.
  11. Nice win for the Halos and an excellent start by Shoe. I can't believe there are people that actually want to trade Shoemaker.
  12. Definitely. They've been on the endangered list lately.
  13. Shoe serves up a shut down inning after getting the lead!
  14. The Angels are in a "catch-22" because of the injuries that decimated the starting rotation for what will be close to two years. It's why Shoemaker isn't likely to be traded. The Angels need more pitchers, not less. So, due to the injuries they are left with trying to rebuild the starting staff practically from the ground up. How they might do this is problematic regardless of what kind of approach is used. It's already been established that there isn't anything on the farm to bring up and the free agent market is lacking. Counting on Skaggs, Richards, Heaney, and Trop would be foolish because there is no guarantee on who may or may not return. Plus there isn't any guarantee on how effective or durable any of them might be when they do return. Just look how slow Skaggs has been to rebound. Besides which he's had very limited success to begin with. The Angels are going to need a lot of luck rebounding from all these injuries. It's not like they've lost a couple of key players for a couple of months.
  15. That should read "stat inclined executive Jerry Dipoto"......
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