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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Langston just pointed out that Trout is a triple away from the cycle..will he get a chance?
  2. Shoemaker pitches another good game, 6IP, 3 hits, 1 walk, and no runs. Well done Shoe.
  3. Hey, I hope he hits .300 from now on but I'm not going to hold my breath. The point is that he hasn't done anything that would warrant him being just given the third base job.
  4. Don't you know that RBI's don't mean anything and that a walk is as good as a hit? [/sarcasm]
  5. No, you proved nothing. What you did was express your opinion based on WAR. The fact is that Escobar out hit him this year (by a lot) and had a higher OBP which proves my point about him being the best lead off hitter since Figgins. But like most, but not all metrics guys, you ignore everything that isn't WAR related. btw...the Angels scored again and lead 8-0! Could you repeat how crappy the Angels are..we just can't get enough of it Nancy.
  6. I'd like to see Cowart succeed but he can't hit, maybe he'll get better, I like his glove also but the minors are full of guys just like him and I just don't see why he gets so much love.
  7. Your WAR stat debunked nothing. The only thing it proved is that you always hang your hat on that one stat. You also proved that you have trouble with comprehension which was proved out when you grossly misquoted me. Weak Nancy.
  8. Bandy just got his fourth hit tonight..first four hit game in the Show.
  9. Hahahahaha holy crap, this is too funny because that isn't what I asked you..weak Nancy! WAR is just one stat, it's not the holy grail that you seem to think it is.
  10. Hard to believe there are still people that would like to trade him.
  11. I don't mind seeing him play third while Escobar is out but when he returns he should take his spot back. Let Cowart come up in Sept. and have a spring invitation next season and see what he can do. If he hits then give him a shot. Right now I just don't see the infatuation with Cowart.
  12. Cowart has hit .186 thus far in his 2 seasons of MLB (granted small sample) and he's hitting .214 this year. How long are you willing to let a guy play every day that hits that bad? That's no better than Matt Joyce did and everyone hates him. lol OK, I agree Cowart has "potential", but that and the proverbial $.010 won't buy a cup of coffee. People are acting like he's Mike Schmidt or something. lol That's what I'm saying. EDIT: a bird in the hand is worth two Cowarts.
  13. Back to the game. Hope Shoe doesn't have a heart attack with a 6 run lead.
  14. My fault I posted Koles 2016 slugging percentage. Using WAR to determine Escobar's value as a lead off hitter is weak sauce bro. Besides you'd find something negative to post regardless..that's what you do. I asked you if your WAR stat could prove that Escobar wasn't the best lead off hitter the Angels have had since Figgins and all I got was crickets!!!! Escobar out hit Kole, Escobar had a better OBP than Kole. Kole out slugged him which is no surprise. You seem to think I'm trying to make a case that Escobar is great. I'm not making that point at all. What I'm saying is that Cowart hasn't proved he can hit ML pitching and giving an unproven player the third base job removes Escobar as the leadoff hitter because he doesn't really have another position to play. Can he play LF? The other point I was making is that the minor leagues are full of good defensive players that can't hit ML pitching and so far Cowart falls into that category. Escorbar doesn't! Does WAR say anything about that?
  15. He's not great that's for sure but he's the best since Figgins!
  16. Kole hit .272 for the Angels in 2014. His OBP was .325 and he slugged .406 Escobar is hitting .320 with an OBP of .368 and is slugging .402 leading off for the Angels. Your advanced metrics seems to have missed that.
  17. You've ignored my point which doesn't surprise me at all. WAR isn't the end all be all in evaluating a players worth but you can stick to it if you wish. Does your WAR stat say Escobar hasn't been the best lead off hitter the Angels have had in years?
  18. That WAR stuff doesn't account for the fact that he's the best lead off hitter we've had in years. It's not overrating him as you suggest..it's a fact!
  19. Escobar has been the best lead off hitter since Figgins. Cron drives in a run! 5-0 Angels.
  20. Albert with a sac fly. 4-0 Angels..hope Shoe can handle the rare support.
  21. Right now Cowart is just another good field no hit prospect. He'll have to prove he can hit ML pitching if he's to stay. Kole drives in another run!! 3-0 Angels.
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