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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. I would be happy with that also but I'm not confident that Albert will be physically able to duplicate this season three years from now. I hope he does but I think he'll be at the end of his road health wise. Maybe he'll get healthy and fool us all but I won't be holding my breath.
  2. Albert has been very productive this year on a very bad team and for what ever reason his WAR doesn't reflect it. It's one reason I don't put a lot of stock in it not to mention it's flawed. Not that it isn't useful because it is, WAR is just one tool in the box but the constant use of it as though it's the holy grail is nonsense imo.
  3. Salas gives up a lead off double..hang on here we go.
  4. Concur but.. Be careful when you criticize Scioscia, it could result in a customary daily rant.
  5. It seems like the third out has been hard to get this year. Weaver got two quick outs and couldn't finish the inning.
  6. Give him a good kick..maybe you'll feel better. Or better yet, call him a few names.
  7. Terry says Weaver is already over 40 pitches. He won't be around long at that rate.
  8. Well of course you're right and I never talked about Escobar's glove, throwing, base running, or anything other than his hitting in the lead off spot.
  9. That's "thump" as in kick not "hump". I would never tell someone to bone his dog. lol Oh, i understood the points and I'm not going to rehash them. And btw..the same could be said that I made valid points strictly about Escobar's hitting in the lead off spot that they weren't getting. It's obvious they weren't getting it because they continued to argue about his overall play like defense which btw I never mentioned..so who doesn't get it?
  10. Dude, I'm far from sensitive..if that's what you got out of my posts tonight maybe you should read them again.
  11. Calling Troll Daddy "stupid" and me "ignorant" is a personal attack and unbecoming of a moderator. You're probably the most aggressive poster on the forum and you seem to highly value your opinion above all others which is illustrated by your constant demeaning of other posters that you deem unworthy or ignorant. IMO you illustrate shitty behavior here on a daily basis and I don't need to drag out WAR to prove it. lol
  12. No Strad, what I have done is express my opinion about Escobar hitting in the lead off spot. I gave valid reasons to support that opinion. I never made any claims about his fielding good or bad just his hitting not his overall play. That (his fielding etc) was brought up by you and another poster. If you disagree with that opinion fine, but don't start in with the aggressive BS about my ignorance because I never made ANY claims about Escobars overall play that would include his throws or base running skills. If that is your assumption then your ignorance is showing, not mine. Learn how to read before you go around calling people ignorant Strad, and if you have a desire to call me names again if would probably suit you best if you just kicked your dog instead.
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