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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Mike Trout is the most interesting man in the world! lol And he pretty good to boot.
  2. Well this is turning bad..bases loaded and no outs for M's.
  3. Dude swings a good bat, but it seems as though many here want him gone anyway.
  4. It would have been nice if Oberwhatever had thrown a shutdown inning..oh well, at least he only gave up one run.
  5. Are you asking for a definition of "many people" or do you just want a number? I'll bet AnaheimBob is one of "many people".
  6. Characterizing my post about Scully's style and his overstaying (that was given in response to a question) as "shitting on him" is a real stretch. I think you're being far too sensitive..many people don't care for Scully's style I'm one of them, if you aren't..that's ok with me.
  7. Obviously you missed the part where I said "I don't hate the guy" and you apparently also missed the part where I was asked to explain why I didn't care for Scully's style..so I replied to the question. Do you have a problem with that or is it you just have a problem with people that disagree with you? So are you a Scully nutswinger? If you are I don't care. lol Rant on bro.
  8. I couldn't agree more! Losing to improve a draft spot should never be an option!
  9. One thing Scully used to do (and maybe still does?) that must have ticked off old time Dodger fans was that he all but ignored what happened in Brooklyn. How many times were Dodger fans told by Scully that Eric Karros was the all time Los Angeles Dodger home run leader? Of course it's true, but Duke Snider is the all time franchise leader in home runs (he hit more than 100 more than Karros) but Scully rarely if ever mentioned it. I'll bet there are many Dodger fans that think Karros is the all time home run king. The only thing Scully mentions less is the Angels. lol (Ever notice that for years when giving out scores Scully rarely mentioned the Angels?) He's done the same thing with other Dodger milestones..it's always the Los Angeles Dodger record this or that. If you listen to Scully long enough it's apparent that the Brooklyn Dodgers and their players have been long forgotten by him. The story about Frieri and the tamales reminds me that I don't care for Scully's cornpone. lol Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the guy, I just don't like his style and I think he's over stayed his time. He really needed a broadcast partner (color guy) but he apparently thinks he didn't need anyone in the booth except for himself..he was wrong.
  10. Sorry, but I don't care for the Dodgers or Scully's "charm". As far as his mangling of names go he's been doing it for years. Remember Marquis Grissom former Montreal Expo? Scully used to call him "Marcus" all the time, you know, like Marcus Allen the football player. lol While waxing poetic about Marcus one game Scully decided to tell the story of how Grissom's father came to name him Marquis. Seemed Marquis father owned a Mercury Marquis (pronounced Mar Kee) and named his son after the car he was working on the day he was born. Scully went on and on until he finally realized he'd been calling him Marcus and the car was a Mar Kee! LOLOL You just had to hear it..not an exaggeration lol btw..Joe Buck is horrible.
  11. That's my opinion of Scully's waxing poetic about some nonsense that doesn't relate to the game and ignoring the action while he can't remember anyones name. lol The dude lost it years ago and should have retired. YMMV
  12. I won't be watching the Dodgers unless they are in the play-offs and probably only if I'm forced to if they are in the WS. I'm not much of a fan of Scully who has become a caricature of himself and probably should have retired several years ago.
  13. That was Nolasco's first Angel win. Congrats Ricky.
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