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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Cron keeps the rally alive..runners on first and third. Marte with a chance to increase the lead.
  2. That episode was filmed at Wrigley Field in LA the former home of the PCL Angels and the first year home of the MLB Angels.
  3. The idea of pitchers wearing helmets has been floated before but hasn't garnered any support. I'd be ok with it, it might save someones life.
  4. Terry reports that Shoe is undergoing tests and he's being treated for a laceration to the head.
  5. The best case scenario for Shoe is he has a slight concussion..worst case..he could have a skull fracture that requires surgery. Lets hope for the best.
  6. This season is starting to make me take the curse business a little more seriously.
  7. Since Shoe is pitching today does that mean it's the end of the Angel offense that we've seen the last two days? Lets Go Halos..keep those bats hot for Shoe!
  8. Cruz hits a no doubter. If you like home runs, you'll like tonights game. 10-3 Angels.
  9. Terry reports that CJ has a ten game streak. Marte plates CJ! 10-2 Angels!
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