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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. The Dodgers won the "battle for LA" in 1958. Had the Angels come into the league before the Dodgers moved here it would have been different.
  2. Depressing game..Chacin pitched a good game for naught.
  3. I'm afraid you're right. Hoping for the best. Anyone hear anything about Skaggs MRI yet?
  4. I hear you, where I grew up (SoCal) there wasn't an ice rink within 100 miles of where I lived. Man don't get me started on soccer..at least they play with a ball. lol
  5. I don't know which is worse hockey or soccer. When I was growing up no one, and I mean no one played either of those sports. Hell, I'd rather go bowling or watch Rhythmic gymnastics. lol Well maybe not bowling.
  6. They may be solid but no one cares about hockey..hell they don't even play with a ball. lol
  7. Jesus..this has just been crazy. Hope it's not serious.
  8. The games seem to be getting uglier as the season winds down.
  9. Gabbert was 22/35 with 1 TD and no picks. Keenum was 17/35 with 0 TD's and 2 picks. The leading receiver in the game was Britt with 4 rec. for 67 yards!
  10. I didn't see a lot of Goff in the preseason but what I did see wasn't all that impressive..he was ok, but he didn't stand out although I won't be surprised to see him starting sometime this year. It's obvious the coaching staff doesn't really have any confidence in Keenum because he wasn't even given a chance to succeed with the pitiful game plan he was stuck with. Had Goff been saddled with the same I don't think the outcome would have been any different.
  11. After last nights game I'd bet Fisher is questioning him also. The only way last nights game plan works is if the Rams had able to run the ball. It was a very boring unimaginative game that wouldn't have been any different with another QB.
  12. That's a coaching decision and game plan. While Keenum isn't all that he isn't at fault here for the terrible game plan. No one was going to execute an offense with the scheme displayed by the Rams last night. The 49ers knew what was coming and had no problem stopping the Rams. Quarterbacks haven't called their own plays in many years so the unimaginative plays called lies with the coaching staff not the QB. btw..the Rams have been bad for several years and I'm surprised anyone thought they were going to get better overnight.
  13. LTBU! How about that, Weaver pitches into the 7th and the bullpen locks it down!
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