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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Definitely. Enberg gets a lot of props for his baseball work but you don't hear much about his basketball announcing. I think he was great. Enberg and Merlin Olsen were pretty good doing NBC football..
  2. Those taped delayed games from Pauley on KTLA back in the 60's during UCLA's dynasty years when Lew Alcindor (aka Kareem) and then Walton, and later Wicks, Rowe and Patterson played were great. Enberg was literally phenomenal doing those games. In the eight years that Enberg did those games UCLA won seven national championships! Oh my!
  3. Yeah, Sports Challenge was a very good show that always seemed to have legends on the panel. It was must watch tv.
  4. Simmons has been a surprise to me. Hopefully this year isn't a fluke and he continues to hit well.
  5. I hope Cowart makes it at some point, but I really just don't get all of the whining about him not getting more playing time given there is so little time left in the season. Everyone here is quick to point out small sample sizes and how one shouldn't be judged on it. So what is all the frothing about him not getting a handful of at bats now? At some point Cowart has to be evaluated on his performance, he just played his way out of the line-up with a series of absolutely horrid at bats. I seriously doubt that this is a make it or break it time for Cowart..he'll get another chance next year, but it might be his last.
  6. When I was a kid in addition to being an Angel fan I was also a big UCLA basketball fan. They used to rebroadcast all of the UCLA games around 11pm so I made sure I wasn't near a tv or radio so I could watch the rebroadcast without knowing who won. Dick Enberg did those games and he made it thrilling. The guy could call anything ("Oh my") he was a great football announcer also. I'm telling you those Angel broadcasts with Enberg and Drysdale were about as good as it gets especially considering how horrible some of those teams were. Some of you young guys really missed it. Enberg or Scully?? Enberg every time..no contest..Touch em all!
  7. Cowart will likely get another chance next year but he'll have to show something better. Escobar's contract is up after 2016 and the club has an option year for 2017 on him. I expect the Angels to pick up that option but they'll be looking for a replacement and that will be Cowart's opportunity. If he can't deliver I expect him to be gone. I would like to see him make it but he has to show he can hit major league pitching which he has yet to do.
  8. It's not a matter of what makes me feel good. You've been bitching about Cowart not getting enough at bats and I pointed out that including tonight that there was about 24 more AB's left in the season and I asked you what you were going to find out that you didn't see the first 72 times. It's my opinion that Cowart hit his way out of getting more at bats but that seems illogical to you..whatever. lol
  9. Sure you did and I quoted it just for you.
  10. Judging a young player off 70-something at-bats is the definition of stupid. You're the one that first uttered the "stupid" word. Not this "illogical" poster. lol
  11. Cowart is hitting .194 with a .203 obp..is he the worst .194 hitter in the major leagues?
  12. Who says he's being judged on 72 at bats? You apparently would like to judge him on the 24 possible at bats that are left in the season..how "stupid" would that be? 72 at bats is too small of a sample, but 24 is enough? That makes zero sense. The problem here is that Cowart doesn't have a position to play because our third baseman is our lead-off hitter and he's hitting over .300. Cowart isn't likely to be playing LF or 2B in the future imo, so Cowart's opportunity is going to likely come next season, so between now and then he better improve his plate discipline otherwise he might become a career minor leaguer.
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