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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. I don't get it either, the dude hit .217 last year. Sure he has speed, but as the old saying goes "you can't steal first". Clearly he had some injuries last season but I just don't get the excitement over this guy, honestly, he stinks and I sure as hell wouldn't move Escobar out of the lead-off spot for him. Good defense and good speed but a very weak bat makes him a bench player/fourth outfielder at 4M.
  2. The practice is done expressly to humiliate people, otherwise why parade them in such a matter in a public place? Thin-skinned, that's pretty funny. Getting your jollies at the expense of others is boorish behavior!
  3. Political correctness in this instance has nothing to do with this, it has every thing to do with humiliating people and getting your jollies at someone else's expense! Bitching about "political correctness" is just rhetoric for people that have a need to use offensive language or actions.
  4. Does anyone have proof that the Angels actually attended the winter meetings?
  5. Mike Trout is the most interesting man in the world! Congrats!
  6. Answer = NO!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Mike Trout!
  7. In todays America the majority of people live in large urban cities. It's the way it is. The difference between two hundred years ago and now should be obvious.
  8. I didn't care to write a book about the history of the electoral college so I gave the Readers Digest version, but the fact remains (imo) that todays voting process doesn't accurately reflect the will of the people because (again imo) voters aren't properly represented by the current system.
  9. The Electoral College came about to protect wealthy landowners from having to much power because only property owners were allowed to vote! Men and woman without property were largely (but not altogether) prohibited from voting. We don't live in these times anymore and the voting process needs to be adjusted to reflect how America has changed in the last two hundred years. The fears of wealthy landowners controlling elections has long passed.
  10. The left turned out but not in the right places. Clinton did in fact win the popular vote, the problem was the turn out in certain places was lower than Clinton had hoped for which gave Trump wins in several states that were unexpected. In 6 out of the last 7 elections Dems have won the popular vote, it's only because of the Electoral College that cons have won 2 of the last 3 elections! Both W. Bush and Trump lost the popular vote and I would argue that the will of the voting public was not carried out. I think it's clear that changes need to be made in the way we elect the president. After all we elect all of our local, state, and federal officials by a popular vote..the majority rules in those cases. Why should the most important political office in the world be determined by an out dated and archaic system that doesn't reflect the will of the majority of Americans? The Electoral College made more sense two hundred years ago, but in modern America all it does is give the minority more power than they should have. We don't need to abandon the electoral system altogether but some adjustments need to be made to insure that the will of the people is protected.
  11. If that's true then how did Clinton win the popular vote?
  12. There were sure a lot of Cub fans in Cleveland's crib.
  13. I don't really care who wins I'd just like to watch a good 7 game series..although I have to admit there is something about the Cubs remaining losers that has it's appeal.
  14. Should be good WS weather for tonights game with a brisk 37* and light rain! I just love late Oct. early Nov. baseball..it's how the game was meant to be played. [/sarcasm]
  15. Don't forget the Helms man. lol Gold Medal bread was the best!!
  16. We hung our wash to dry as late as the middle 60's. Just about every house in the neighborhood had a clothesline in the back yard. It was around that time our household got its first clothes dryer. After hanging to dry many things needed to be ironed because they would wrinkle while on the line. It took a long time for our moms to do laundry back in the day.
  17. This. I was a life long Ram fan until they left and over time I slowly lost interest in the NFL. I've also been unable to turn the Ram switch back on.
  18. LOL! It took all of 7 posts for Neb to tell the forum to "suck it".
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