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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Yeah riiiight, Bush and the Republicans had nothing to do with it..it was all poor janitors that caused the financial crisis. The poor were also at fault for the WMD that didn't exist in Iraq..got it. Maybe Trump should build a wall to keep all the poor lying janitors out of the country?
  2. Do you deny the absolute cluster fuck that Bush and the Republicans left for Obama? You can't be serious..really? We were losing 750,000 jobs every month when Obama took office, Wall Street was on the verge of collapse, the auto industry was about to go under, and people were losing their homes daily. The economy was in a shambles, it was the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression! Not to mention two wars raging in the middle east. Compare that to when Obama left and if you are at all honest you'd have to admit that his administration did a great job considering he was obstructed practically every step of the way by the Republican Party that was more interested in defeating Obama than helping the country! And what did Trump contribute during that time when America was in crisis? Answer..He went around the country claiming Obama wasn't an American with his birther shit. Sorry, but I think your memory is a bit selective
  3. Like the days before Trump? My new hero was spotted giving Trump the bird at the inauguration.
  4. You're right about that, the left needs a couple of more Senate seats to be able to stop the carnage in 2018. The turn out had better be good or it won't be long before the privatization of SS starts getting thrown around again because it's been a 75 year battle by the left to save it from the right that would like nothing better than to get rid of it. The rights new health care plan that is going to replace the ACA is called "drop dead granny"!
  5. America can be great without Donald "grab them by the pussy" Trump.
  6. I'm afraid that not much will happen until 4 years have passed and then hope he is voted out of office..we're stuck with him until then.
  7. The media is talking plenty about the "other" event yesterday. Trump's lying didn't change that at all. But the sorriest part is that people seem to think that Trump lying is some kind of acceptable ploy and have in one day become apologist for his boorish behaviour. It took all of one day for Trump and members of his administration to embarrass American.
  8. Trump isn't "manipulating" the media lol and the "fake media" didn't get up in front of the world and lie about the crowd or the Muslims in New Jersey. lol You'll just have to deal with it because Trump has started a war with the media that he calls fake..if he was truly smart he would know he can't win that war..just ask Nixon.
  9. Was he playing you when he lied about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11? Was he playing you when he said that all the Mexicans coming here are rapist? lol Seems like he's doing a lot of playing ie: lying..maybe it's just a matter of perspective.
  10. Yup, and the president and his press secretary lying about it is even dumber. The truth is that someone mentioned that the crowd was on the small side which is an accurate thing to report. Then Trump made it a big deal and turned it into what it is. His ego is such that he believes he had the biggest turn out ever and the biggest tv ratings ever. lol The fact that at least Obama and Reagan in their first term had vastly larger crowds and better ratings is lost on Trump. Trump made this what it has become because he has a need to lie about it (just like he lied about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11) and then send his press secretary out to lie some more about it. If that hadn't happened there wouldn't even be any more said about.
  11. The electoral College doesn't need to be removed, it needs to be adjusted to more accurately reflect the will of the American voter. As it is now if you live in the city your vote counts for less than the people that live in more rural places and this just isn't how a democracy is supposed to work..again this isn't 1795 anymore and America doesn't need to be protected by a few white male land owners dictating to the masses.
  12. Have it your way if you want but the fact is that the way we elect our president doesn't reflect the will of the people and with Bush winning over Gore and Trump winning over Clinton after losing the popular is all the proof that is necessary! It's kind of like Trump claiming his inauguration crowd was the biggest ever. lol Who should I believe, Trump, or my lying eyes?
  13. That was a reelection, Obama was the sitting president. Gore lost to Bush after winning the popular vote and Clinton lost to Trump after winning the popular vote. The Obama election was in between those two hence two of the last three.
  14. See my post above..this isn't 1795 anymore the majority of people live in the city in 2017 and their vote should count for just as much as the people that live in Wyoming!
  15. We elect ALL of our public officials (governors,senators, representatives) by a popular vote. We even determine many of our laws that are put on ballots in the form of propositions that way. The only elected official that's not elected by a popular vote is the president. The way we elect our president is outdated by any measure and doesn't reflect the will of the American people. As far as your assertion that only " 4 metropolitans would choose the president" goes, that's because that's where the people live in modern America. This isn't 1795 anymore and having the minority choose the president isn't how a democracy is suppose to work, hence my example of how we chose our other elected officials. What you have now is the minority in states like Montana dictating to the majority of Americans and that just isn't American! So if the people are OK with the minority dictating to the majority then I suppose the system is working for them but I would have to disagree with that and I'd also say it isn't very American either. Two of the last three elections have been won by the minority and I suspect they won't be the last until some adjustments are made to the way we elect the president. If this had happened the other way around and the Republicans had lost the presidency to the electoral college after winning the popular vote they'd be screaming bloody murder.
  16. Just an observation here..the Trump administration and his supporters are just going to have to come to terms with the fact that he lost the popular vote by a substantial margin. He's not going to have high approval numbers because he's the minority president. To be sure Trump won the election fair and square, but it's also true that the current method of selecting our leader is outdated and archaic and doesn't accurately represent the will of the American voter.
  17. Ya know, Trump is without question the biggest liar that's been in the Oval Office in my life time and he's only been there for one day! lol It wasn't enough that he lied about the size of the crowd at the inauguration, he then sent his press secretary out to lie about it also and then refused to take any question about it!!! To top it off Kellyanne Conway tried to spin it this morning as "alternate facts"!!!!! lmao! There's no such thing as "alternate facts", those are just flat out bald-faced lies by this administration. This is reminiscent of what Trump said during the campaign about how he "saw" Muslims on TV in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11 when the Twin Towers came down and killed 3000 Americans. It never happened, and Trump flat out lied about it just like he's going to lie about everything. What makes this so outrageous is the obvious fact that Trump and members of his administration show no guilt or shame when they straight out lie to the American people.
  18. Total injustice and I think it's one of the reasons that MLB stopped letting players choose what team they go in as. Nolan Ryan in the HOF as a Ranger is really a joke but Buzzie pissed him off good and Ryan apparently never forgave them. It's really a shame considering what he meant to the organization, I mean when Ryan didn't pitch there'd be maybe 8 or 10 thousand in the stands, when he did pitch it was a different story. Not to mention there would be the feeling that you might see something special..oh well.
  19. Vlad made his name and became a star in Montreal so I wouldn't be surprised if he were to be elected that he'd go in as an Expo. (I don't think it's his choice anyway) Asking whether he should go in as an Angel or an Expo on Angelswin makes the consensus a foregone conclusion. lol Having an Angel in the HOF would be very cool but I don't think it's going to be Vlad because his star was made in Montreal. The first Angel in the HOF should have been Nolan Ryan but the Angel front office at the time Ryan left insulted him and he held a grudge because of it. Oh well.
  20. It's not a factor at all imo. Talent is talent and he had plenty. It's like saying Wilt Chamberlain couldn't compete in todays NBA. Wilt, like Ruth dominated both sides of his game the way no other ever has. I seriously doubt that there is a current NBA player that could stop Wilt from going to the hoop! Greatness is greatness.
  21. I saw Mays, Aaron and Bonds play (that makes me a geezer) and I have no doubt that Willie was the better of the three in all round performance. Willie was a great defender, a disrupter on the bases and a great hitter. Willie also had phenomenal baseball instincts that bordered on genius. Bonds career is tainted as are the others that did peds and because of that he will rightly (imo) never have the same respect as Mays or Aaron.. Henry Aaron on the other hand is vastly underrated imo..the guy was great but I think Willie was greater overall. I see Trout as being in a similar mold as Mays if he is able to sustain his high level of play but this remains to be seen because a lot can happen in the coming 10+ years and Willie set a very high bar for all round play.. It's just too early to anoint Trout at this point. Having said all that I am convinced that Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player of all time and I don't think it's even close. While I am a geezer I never saw the Babe play but it's my opinion that no player ever dominated both ends of the game the way he did. You can drag out all the metrics you want to, but nothing can accurately gage Ruth's overall domination of the sport. As most know Ruth started his career as a pitcher. He wasn't just a pitcher, he may have been the best left hander in the league! He dominated at the plate, in the field, and on the mound!
  22. Chico Ruiz, and Alex Johnson will supply the weapons.
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