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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. It has nothing to do with the size of the crowd, but hey, if it makes you feel better, then keep telling yourself that.
  2. Won't matter, Trump will just send Sean "Baghdad Bob" Spicer out to lie about it.
  3. "The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." Orwell's 1984
  4. In the space of just 4 days Trump has become the biggest whiner in WH history. He lost the popular vote by a wide margin and he's just going to have to come to terms with the fact that he is the president to the minority of Americans.
  5. Taylor, there isn't so much as one credible study that supports Trumps claims, but the nutswingers as you said, will believe it because they heard it on some right-wing radio show and we all know that's where the real truth resides.
  6. Well..it didn't take long for Trump to double down and send his press secretary Sean Spicer out to whine about massive voter fraud that doesn't exist. The fact that there is wide spread evidence to the contrary and the fact that Trump's claims have been roundly debunked isn't enough to stop the WH from lying to Americans.
  7. Well, it looks like Donald "grab them by the pussy" Trump hasn't stopped his lying ways yet. Apparently he told Capitol Hill leaders that he lost the popular vote because 3 to 5 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton! lololol Trump continues to claim voter fraud even though there isn't any evidence that would support his bogus claim. Trump seems to have some kind of weird fixation about this and one can't help but wonder if he'll send his press secretary out to lie again?
  8. Just a little too close to home for you Strad? lol Looks like I'll have another smug and confrontational mod to add to the ignore list..see yeah. Have a Coke and a smile.
  9. OK, OK, I'm done. Lou is free to trash me over nothing for as long as it takes him to get off. Later
  10. I never said you did, are you posting fiction? I never claimed you did, are you posting more fiction? I never laid any blame for the housing crisis, I simply said people were losing their homes. Are you still posting fiction Lou? Real classy Lou. Seems you've been posting a bit of fiction yourself. Hope you don't think I was cherry picking any of your post just to "call you out". Like I said before, it's your MO.
  11. It's all about you being smug and confrontational, in fact, it's your MO on the forum.
  12. He's not just trolling, he's being confrontational for no other reason than to try and insult someone over nothing and then being smug about "calling someone out". Yeah riiiight.
  13. And you should be prepared for being called out for unnecessarily insulting forum members. What you think you "called me out for" wasn't even germane to the point I made which you obviously missed or more likely didn't care to understand.
  14. I stand by my original post in which the mention of lost jobs was merely a small point I made about what Obama inherited from the Bush abortion. It wasn't misleading as you have tried to suggest. My number may have been slightly off because I made the mistake of going on memory. ie: 695,000 in Dec. of 2008 (well excuse me it wasn't 750,000 what a horrible mistake) and of course 765,000 in Nov. of the same year. So you took me to task for a very small thing that didn't change one scintilla of my point..not one. The numbers have been posted in the thread and people can believe what they want to.
  15. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/09/business/worldbusiness/09iht-jobs.4.19232394.html Of course I never mentioned anything about an average. We all know that the bulk of the lost jobs came near the end of 2008. Again, weak sauce Lou! lol Now you're grasping.
  16. You proved only that you don't have the necessities to fully understand a simple post from me in which you tried unsuccessfully to cherry pick my post! Then you tried to insult me. Stay classy Lou.
  17. Bull shit and the jobs numbers that you posted proved it! As my post above says, America was hemorrhaging jobs at an alarming rate in 2008 before Obama was elected. In fact, there were 2.6 million jobs lost in the last year of the Bush abortion. Only a Bush apologist would deny it. Enjoy.
  18. Wrong, my point was very clear. The point was that America was bleeding jobs at an alarming rate when Obama took office and by the end of his term the hemorrhaging was well over with. If you think otherwise so be it.
  19. Actually bad moderator school Lou. If you can't debate without the insults then don't bother. The minute you started with the insults and accusing me of making things up you lost.
  20. Good lord. The month Obama took office America lost 818,000 jobs. By the numbers YOU posted America lost 765,000 jobs in Nov. of 2008! Like in WERE LOSING..get it Lou? lol Go try to insult someone else Lou and again take some of your own advice.
  21. Is this another personal attack bro? lol
  22. Obama took office Jan. 20th 2009. Net jobs lost in Jan. 2009 was 818,000 jobs. Net jobs lost Feb. 2009 was 724,000 jobs. Net jobs lost Mar. 2009 was 799,000 jobs. So when I said there were 750,000 jobs lost per month when Obama took office it was more than accurate. Advice: take some of your own and don't accuse people of making things up if you want to be taken seriously. Another weak attack..try again bro.
  23. I'm sooooo insulted. Weak sauce..try again bro.
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