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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Democrats need to wake up and start realizing that Republicans aren't interested in any form of cooperation unless it means to give them what they want. When they shut down the government in an attempt to blackmail the country over the debt limit they weren't interested in cooperating, when they stole the SC nomination from Obama they weren't interested in cooperating. The Party of NO even blocked health care for 9/11 first responders that got sick at ground zero! It's time for the light bulb to finally go off in Democrats heads..Republicans are only going to take, they will never cooperate and there is nothing that they have done in the last eight years that would suggest that they are interested in any form of compromise. It's their way or the highway. Democrats need to make them fight for every inch that they want. It's the only thing the Republicans understand. The hypocrisy from the right-wing reeks, they actually think that after the last eight years that Democrats should just forget what they did..it's just astounding. They think that Democrats are just supposed to forget that the Republicans were actually willing to let America default on their loans just so they could make political points! And the Republican voters went along with it and actually tried to defend such a ridiculous move that threatened Americas credit rating. The Republicans have suffered no consequences for their crazy actions so there is no reason for them to change and that is why Democrats must start fighting back.
  2. Exactly, cons are going to whine about the very things they did? The precedents that THEY set! How hypocritical! The cons want to play nice all of a sudden and expect Democrats to just confirm their nominee when they literally stole the nomination from Obama? Are they serious? Well the Democrats are likely to cave in and that is precisely why liberal voters need to DEMAND that their representatives adopt a get tough policy with the Republicans or risk getting run over, and if they won't do it, they they should be voted out and replaced with people that will try to uphold Democratic values!
  3. The reason nothing got done was because the Republicans obstructed Obama for eight years, but that was OK...right? Oh, I get it, it's OK for cons to obstruct Obama at every turn. It's even OK to shut down the government and threaten our credit rating..that's OK as long as Republicans do it. Mitch McConnell said that his main mission was to make Obama a one term president, that was OK also. His main concern wasn't terrorist or the security of America..it was to play political games. It was even OK for that asshole to shout out that Obama was a liar at the SOTU Address. Enough is enough, Democrats need to get tough with Republicans just as they did with Democrats..what comes around goes around and if Democrats that are in Congress can't stand up and fight then it's time to replace them with people that will, otherwise the Republicans will run over them just like they did when they shut down the government and failed to live up to their Constitutional requirements when they refused to consider Garland. Cons haven't complained about only having 8 justices for over a year, so they shouldn't mind going another year or two.
  4. If they do that it will open up the possibility that the same could be used against them in the future. It'll be a huge gamble on their part, but if they do, then when the time comes it will be turn about is fair play. They need to be told that's what's going to happen when things change and if the dems are unwilling to do it then they need to be told (by the voters) that we will put someone in their place that will. The gloves need to come off..no more Mr. nice guy..game on! The dems need to elect more Reid's and Pelosi' to balance out the pricks like McConnell.
  5. That was the last straw for me. The Republican Party obstructed Obama at every turn for 8 years and used really shitty tactics such as the one used to ignore the Garland nomination to do it. Obama was elected by a clear majority twice, yet the Republicans decided that the majority of Americans should be ignored and were basically told to go fuck off. I know politics are dirty, but the Republicans took being pricks to new heights. So, I have decided that the Democratic Party needs to start acting like the Republicans and attempt as best they can to block and obstruct any and every thing they can that comes from the WH or the Republican Party. It's time for the Democrats to start showing some backbone. The cons declared war on Obama and the Democratic Party for 8 years and it's time for a payback. I have decided that any Democrat that doesn't fight Trump and the Republican Party will not get my vote and I plan on contacting my public officials to let them know that they are going to lose my support if they aren't willing to fight back and fight back hard. My wish would be for other libs to do the same and contact their elected officials and let them know that being pussies is no longer acceptable and that their job is going to be on the line if they don't have the balls to obstruct the cons every chance they can. To put this in baseball terms Democrats need to follow what Don Drysdale used to say. Drysdale said that "if one of mine goes down then two of theirs will get the same". And when the cons start to whine about the dems obstruction they should just be told to go fuck off. A good place for the Democrats to start is by filibustering Trumps SC nomination for as long as is possible and when the cons cry foul they should just be told that the next president should make the nomination, and if they don't like it, then just blow me! They should understand that.
  6. Hillary Clinton was hated mostly by Republicans that bought into the many years of outrageous conspiracy theories by right-wing radio and Fox News. The fact that she won the popular vote by a wide margin seems to dispel the notion that she was "hated by a lot of people". Hillary Clinton won the nomination because Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat and was unpalatable to most in the Party. I don't think the Clinton campaign was "complacent" at all. Could they have done some things differently..probably..would it have made a difference..we'll never really know. I personally would have preferred a different nominee because of policy issues I have with Hillary but that ship sailed long ago. The campaigns can only go by the information that they have, the fact that some of the state polls were wrong contributed to losses in those states. They deducted that their time would be better spent elsewhere. The National polls were correct as the popular vote shows that Clinton's popularity and likability is vastly better than Republicans would have you believe.
  7. Those that didn't see Ryan pitch in his prime really missed it. Happy Birthday Nolan.
  8. My favorite uniform also. I'd like to see those return.
  9. At one time Drysdale held the record for most home runs by a pitcher in a season..don't know about the other two guys though. He also held the record for consecutive scoreless innings but that was broken by Orel Hershiser.
  10. Oh no doubt, he's a major hypocrite..he was also detained with illegal Viagra that he didn't have a prescription for. As I recall it was in someone elses name which is against the law.
  11. Right-wing radio is a real hoot. I like to listen every now and then just to get an idea of where most of the nonsense comes from. It's hard to believe that people actually believe the bs that gets passed on as the truth by these kook right-wing radio hosts. I particularly enjoy the fake outrage and conspiracy theories that some of these guys spew daily. Mike Gallagher and Rush Limbaugh are a couple of the best at faining this type of phony outrage. Gallagher was spewing some fake outrage the other day about how he's never seen a president being treated so poorly as Trump has been, geez he was almost crying..I guess he missed the Clinton years when he was accused of murder or the 8 years Obama was called every name on earth by right-wing radio hosts.
  12. It's pretty easy to get the impression from the interview last night that Trump is delusional.
  13. Trump either has really poor reading comprehension or he just lies to support his bogus conspiracy theories. In his quoting of the Pew report Trump claims that the report says that 1.8 million deceased people voted. What the report actually says is that there are 1.8 million deceased people listed as voters and that the system needs to be upgraded. Pew went on to say that they could find no evidence of voter fraud.
  14. I watched the interview on ABC last night and I must say that Trump is in some bizarre alternate reality. One of the more telling aspects of the interview was when Trump was asked if he had any proof to substantiate his claims of wide spread voter fraud. Trump answered by citing the Pew study. When Trump was told that the author of the study recently said there was no evidence of fraud Trump attacked him. Jesse Richman the author of the Pew study says the following: https://www.wired.com/2017/01/author-trumps-favorite-voter-fraud-study-says-everyones-wrong/ I think what is even more telling is Trump seems to think that the only voter fraud that exist is one in which favors Democrats. Apparently there isn't any Republican voter fraud in Trumps world. One thing that is really funny is if you listen to right-wing radio it's a given that there is massive voter fraud going on. I was listening to right-wing radio host Mike Gallagher the other day and he was just going on and on about voter fraud. He said something to the effect that "it's impossible to believe that there isn't any voter fraud"! Well, no one is trying to claim that there isn't ANY voter fraud. There isn't any proof of WIDE SPREAD voter fraud. Of course there is some. In fact some woman (I think in Florida) was busted recently for voting for Trump more than once! Geez, how did that happen. lol Trump is a conspiracy theorist who believed that Obama wasn't an American, he believes that 3 to 5 million illegals voted for Clinton and it was that margin that cost him the popular vote! Most of this baloney (like the Clintons murdering Vince Foster) has it's origins in right-wing radio where we all know the real truth resides. This leaves one to wonder how the Trump apologist are going to try to spin this?
  15. I think Garrett Richards is a huge question mark. If he returns to form the Angels might be ok, but I just don't see them making the play-offs though I'd be delighted if they did of course. The overall pitching is just too thin and if just a couple of minor things go wrong they'll be in trouble. Worst case would be if Richards has a set back and can't make it to the AS break or earlier..what then? How many innings Richards is able to go will have a big impact on the Angels success this year. I think it's a toss up that he is able make it out of spring training. Skaggs has a lot to prove imo in terms of his ability to pitch enough innings. Shoemaker I think will be mentally prepared after he gets his feet wet again, but will the dominate Shoe show up? Nolasco will likely be up and down throughout the season. I don't even want to get into the bullpen. I think the offense will be ok but the big caveat is how the Angels get out of the gate. If they get off to their usual bad start I don't think they have enough to overcome it. In the end for the Angels to make a run this year they'll need the breaks to go their way. If a couple of starters can't answer the bell it'll be another long season.
  16. Yeah, and I have zero reading comprehension and a shitty education to boot..seems trivial in comparison.
  17. The post wasn't directed at anyone specifically..it was an observation. If you read the first line it clearly says "Trump apologist". I think that it would be obvious to most that the post was directed at "Trump apologist", but thanks for the props anyway..Jesus. Edited to add the following: Just so there isn't another misunderstanding,let me say that this post is directed at you specifically. Most people with even a rudimentary understanding of the language would have no problem discerning who the post in question was directed at without an explanation or a road map. So, in the future let me make a promise to you. I'll be sure to state that my observations are not directed at you or if they are I'll clearly and succinctly make it plain that I'm addressing you in the same manner as I am in this post. OK?
  18. What I find most amusing is that Trump apologist actually think that the lying is some kind of intentional strategic ploy designed to distract when in reality it's just unfounded right-wing conspiracy theories similar to Trump's claim of "seeing" Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11. He's had his people looking for the video for some time now..I wonder if he found it yet?
  19. It may well be all over the net but it fits the situation to a tee. It's similar to Kellyanne Conway's "alternate facts" which is reminiscent of Orwell's "doublespeak". The Trump administration after only a few days is steeped in attempting to disguise the nature of the truth with language that even a school boy would recognize as Orwellian.
  20. There has been no credible evidence that suggests there is wide spread voter fraud and as you have posted the studies that "Baghdad Bob" Spicer cited were debunked long ago. This whole thing about voter fraud is driven by the Republican Party that is hell bent on suppressing the vote! It's like the crowd thing at the inauguration. The Trump apologist continue to think the uproar is over the size of the crowd, but they seem to have conveniently ignored the real point, and that is the POTUS intentionally sent his press secretary out to lie to the American people with what amounts to unfounded conspiracy theories!
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