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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Yeah there were some pretty nasty things said about Michelle Obama by people in Trump's campaign. One was Trump's NY co-chair Carl Paladino who said “Michelle Obama. I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortable in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.” I don't recall any right-wingers here coming to Michelle Obama's defense when assholes like Paladino made vulgar comments about her. And didn't some classless right-wing woman in W Virginia say Michelle Obama was "a ape in heels"? Kind of makes what colt said about Melania a bit tame in comparison..classless sure, but tame none the less.
  2. The Lakers traded Barnett for Bob Boozer..thank you Fred Schaus..terrible trade. When I was a kid every Laker fan tried to emulate Barnett's leg kick jumper on the playground. lol
  3. Jered Weaver gave everything he had as an Angel player..the dude left it all on the field when he pitched. His contribution to Angels baseball is very appreciated by this Angel fan and I have to say the bashing he took from some here the last couple of years bothered me. All Weaver wanted to do was to give his very best effort every time he pitched and to win games for the Angels..he expected no less from himself. So thanks for the memories Jered, you can now take your place in Angel lore as one of the great pitchers in franchise history.
  4. It's purely conjecture on both of our parts because Bernie didn't win the nomination, and whether you agree or not with me, my opinion is just as valid as yours is. Are you of the opinion that Trump would not have hammered Bernie with the commie label? Trump would have come up with several nasty things to call Bernie because he wasn't capable of debating any issues with him. You know like, Bernie is un-American simply by virtue of him being a Socialist etc or he might call him Chairman Sanders. After all, many people are ignorant enough to equate Socialist with Communist and Trump would have buried him with Mao, Stalin, Castro, or any other Communist he could think of. lol Most importantly Bernie isn't a Democrat and that makes a difference to a lot of people and that simply would have given many Democrats not one but two reasons not to vote for him. So those Democrats probably wouldn't have voted for him making it that much easier for Trump. Trump would have trounced Bernie and proclaimed that he should be deported to Russia with the rest of the commies.
  5. Another asinine comment. I seriously doubt that my vote in California for Biden helped elect Trump.
  6. All of them because: 1. Bernie's not a Democrat he's a Independent Socialist. and 2. Trump and the Republicans would have loved to have painted him as a communist..game over. Trump beats Bernie easily
  7. LOL You make a lot of assumptions about what you think I believe in. While I would identify as liberal I've been an Independent my entire voting life. I did not vote for Hillary. (Most of the reasons were for policy differences I had with her, not the bull shit made up reasons cons like you hate her for) I wrote in Joe Biden.
  8. In my world people that think Hillary was a shitty candidate just hate her (they even think she murdered Vince Foster), so they are willing to say anything no matter if the facts don't back up the rhetoric. The election can be analyzed forever but when the final is written on the subject the conclusion on why Clinton lost won't support the right-wing notion that she was a "shitty candidate".
  9. Donald Trump had the largest negatives in history and he took office with the lowest approval rating in history, plus he lost the popular vote to Clinton. That doesn't jibe with the Hillary was a shitty candidate theory.
  10. The Nation as a whole voted for Hillary Clinton by a large margin! That's where the people live in 2017, this isn't 1785 anymore and the country doesn't need to fear white land owners getting together and swaying the election. Donald Trump is the minority president (he represents the minority of voters that elected him) and the vote proves it.
  11. I guess my point is that it gets old listening to people say that Trump won because Hillary was a shitty candidate (a claim that's not accurate and the popular vote proves it) and the Dems are at fault for the loss because they nominated her..more nonsense. As far as demonizing goes, the right-wing in this country has made an art form out of it. Look no further than the eight years they tried to delegitimize Obama with unfounded conspiracy theories and outright lies.
  12. She may have been unpalatable to a large segment of the population but she did win the popular vote by a larger segment of that population! This is all but dismissed by Trump voters that think "the people" wanted Trump, in fact, "the people" elected Hillary Clinton and rejected Trump's nonsense. The push back against Trump isn't going to end because he is in fact the minority president and no amount of bs from Trump stating that there was widespread voter fraud that cost him the popular vote is going to change that. Donald Trump won the election fair and square but he does not represent the majority in the country!
  13. All I could think of while watching Trump's press conference was I was witnessing a melt down by a delusional unhinged man that thinks his administration is a fine tuned machine and that the leaks were true but the news is fake. He's losing it before our eyes. He thinks drugs are cheaper than candy.
  14. Jeff, you might ask Scioscia what he and his staff are doing differently this season to try and get off to a better start that doesn't bury the team after just a month and a half of play. I'm not at all a Scioscia basher, but this is one area I believe that falls squarely on the manager and coaching staff. It's their responsibility to have the team ready to play when the season starts and its been pretty obvious that the manager and staff haven't had much success preparing the team to start the season recently. I'd like to hear some real specifics about what Scioscia and company are doing in this area to prevent another year of constantly playing catch up..
  15. I'd be shocked (10) if the Angels won 98 games this upcoming season. (it would be great though) Mainly I think the pitching staff as a whole has way too many question marks to expect a 98 win season. Garrett Richards alone is a yuuuuge question mark and I'm surprised that so many here seem to think he's a lock to be our number 1 starter. I'd also be shocked if he pitches more than 100 innings. The Angels really need to acquire a solid #1 or #2 starter before the season starts if they're going to win 90 games or more..where that might come from I don't know. For the Angels to win 98 games it would require Garrett Richards to pitch 200 innings or more and win at least 18 games..I just can't imagine that happening.
  16. I agree with the tweet by George Takai, King's letter should be read into the record by every Democratic Senator. Jeff Sessions is a turd even by Republican standards and his nomination is more of a reflection on Trump than it is on Sessions. btw..kudos to Warren.
  17. I would be more optimistic if Garrett Richards wasn't coming off of an arm injury thats been treated with such a new procedure. I can't help but wonder if he will even make it out of spring training and if he does just how many effective innings can he pitch. The other question mark I have is Skaggs. He was slow to come back after TJ surgery and the question is will he be able to pitch enough quality innings. The pitching is very thin when considering the bullpen which at this point doesn't look all that great. I do think Street will make a comeback and show that last years poor performance was due to injuries, however I don't expect him to be the same as he was just two years ago either. I'm very cautious about this season based on the quality of the entire pitching staff.
  18. My post was not an attempt to slam you. If you noticed I highlighted in bold the one thing I addressed specifically. Then I started a new paragraph in which I gave several examples of things Republicans in general (not you specifically) didn't have a problem with like shutting down the government to hold it hostage over the debt ceiling etc. I don't know what your position is on those things, but the overall point I made was that Republicans (and you specifically) have bitched and whined about how nothing got done in the last eight years. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy because the Republicans obstructed and blocked most things, so of course nothing got done. lol And then they had the nerve to complain about it! A bit hypocritical don't you think? I think you need to go back over my original post because I didn't say nor imply that I felt the Democrats need to obstruct to "teach the Republicans a lesson/get revenge".. Some people would say "you get what you give". The Democrats have to stand up for their values and fight if necessary to obtain those goals because the Republicans have shown nothing in the way of wanting to cooperate in any way. In fact it's been the Republican Party's mission the last eight years to make everything as difficult as possible for the Obama administration specifically and the Democratic Party in general. The Republicans became the Party of NO..have you forgotten how the Republicans chose to "effectively" govern the last eight years? Now all of a sudden you and the Republicans want to "effectively" govern. That's pretty funny Tank. Well Tank, all I can say to you is I haven't forgotten how the Obama administration has been treated by the Republicans. They tried to delegitimize his presidency, disrespected him from the floor of Congress (ie; when the asshole shouted out "liar" during the sotua) and stole the SC nomination. Those things and many others were done solely for political gain and had nothing to do with trying to make Congress effective. An example was the when the cons shut down the government over the debt limit..was that effective governing Tank? As I mentioned, Democrats need to get tough with Republicans because their values are at stake, it has nothing to do with getting even or extracting revenge. If it did I would have suggested that at Trumps first SOTUA someone should shout out that he is a liar..that's vengeful and just plain nasty. Standing up and fighting for what one believes isn't 100% wrong. Is that a slam? lol
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