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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. I just hope we're ready when April rolls around.
  2. On Dec.19th 1998 the House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. Clinton was basically impeached for having an affair and lying about it. BTW..Jeff Sessions and every other Republican in the Senate voted guilty on both counts. The accusations against Sessions are far more serious than what Clinton was impeached for. Sessions should resign.
  3. Sessions has a long history of recommending special prosecutors etc. where the Clinton's were concerned. He likely lied to Congress which could carry a sentence of jail time. Jeff Sessions (imo) is a sleaze bag who fits right in with several other sleazy Trump nominees. Regarding the Russian connection in the Trump WH..where there's smoke there's fire and this needs to be looked into further so that we can get to the bottom of this.
  4. Sessions likely lied under oath and should resign..Trump will blame the media. I'm shocked. [rolleyes]
  5. Of the choices given I think I prefer Millville Meteor the most.
  6. You don't want him to do that because he might hurt his pussy.
  7. It's hard to predict what Albert will do, but whatever that is it's obviously going to depend on his health. I think Albert will hit about 80 more home runs giving him 671. This will be Albert's age 37 season and I just don't see him hitting much after he's 39 or 40.
  8. Yeah I hear ya, neither had classic mechanics for sure. Whether it was mechanics, genetics, or a combination, we'll never really know why Jeff and Jered lost it at such young ages. Jered was a class act imo and I wish him well in SD.
  9. The problem here is that Weaver is only 34 and a fierce competitor so I'm sure he still thinks he has something left, but for whatever reason he lost it at a relatively young age. I'll be rooting for him to have a good year in SD.
  10. Hopefully we can avoid all of the injuries this year. I'm afraid the Angels are still going to be in need of a starter or two. If Garrett Richards can't pitch enough innings the Angels will need someone to take up the slack. Though we do have some question marks the Angels could make some waves this year..keeping my fingers crossed.
  11. I'd have to agree with that..it was a real blow. Man I'll never forget watching Ryan and Tanana, they were about all we had in those days. lol
  12. Great, I'll be looking forward to reading it. When the Angels traded Fregosi for Ryan it was tough for me in the beginning because Fregosi was my childhood hero, but it didn't take long for Ryan to win me over. Ryan became a beast as an Angel..it was a real shame when he was allowed to leave.
  13. That would be pretty good with Trout in center and Vlad in right. Ryan was definitely the most exciting Angel player. Every time he took the mound it seemed like something special might happen. Vlad was a special guy and it was exciting to watch him play, we were fortunate to have him play for us.
  14. When I heard that the Angels had signed Vlad I just couldn't believe it and then it hit me that the Angels were going to be getting one of the best players in the league. The Angels hadn't even been mentioned as a team that was interested in Vlad so the signing was a big surprise to most. Vlad's signing is one of the best moves in franchise history and it was a lot of fun watching him play for the Angels.
  15. That's fair enough, so I deleted my reply to that post.
  16. You (or anyone else) don't need my permission to crap on Weaver in this thread...that's pretty obvious. Most however would recognize that this isn't the place for it, but you have a need to defend your honor and your stats which is what's most important, so it is what it is.
  17. Apparently Trump sees lots of things on TV that no one else saw, like when he saw Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11. He's still looking for the video he dreamed up.
  18. In related news, did anyone see what the Moron in Chief said about Sweden? lol Trump said: "We've got to keep our country safe," Trump said at a campaign-style rally Saturday in Melbourne, Fla. "You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden — Sweden, who would believe this?" "Sweden — they took in large numbers," Trump continued Saturday. "They're having problems like they never thought possible. Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt's answer was a bit more blunt: "Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking?" Trump apparently doesn't need the aid of drugs to make idiotic statements like the one he said about Sweden. lol Donald "grab them by the pussy" Trump in just a short time has become comedy gold. It would be funny if he didn't have his stupid finger on the button. This might be hard to believe but Trump is beginning to make W. Bush look like a genius in comparison which is something not previously thought possible.
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