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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Not even a hot shower could remove the stench of lies from this guy or his boss. How on earth do the Trump apologist believe anything theses guys say?
  2. Baghdad Bob Spicer says Trump didn't mean wiretap when he said wiretap. lol I'll admit I'm a geezer, but I swear, not in my entire life has America had such a yuuge bunch of liars in the White House. Even the Nixon administration paled in comparison to this group of douche nozzles that have only been there a short period of time. Trump said everyone will have health care (and it'll be great he said)(he also said no one in America will go without health care) and then he rubber stamps kicking 24 million poor people off and gives billions in tax breaks to the wealthy at the same time! I'll bet those poor people in the rust belt that voted for Trump are already having second thoughts about how they voted. If they haven't, they will when their health care is gone because they will have the man they voted for to think for it and no one else. The only reason some of those people have health care is because of the expansion of Medicaid but that'll be gone if Paul Ryan and Trump have their way.
  3. Like him or not Albert is a gamer..is his contract a bad one..yes..by all accounts is he a good guy..yes. Albert was basically paid for what he did in St Louis so some people expected him to have the same success here. Because he hasn't there are those that hold it against him. I don't really blame them for being disappointed but for someone to say they "can't stand him" seems a bit irrational to me.
  4. The Republicans have painted themselves into a corner over replacing Obamacare. I really don't think they ever really intended to replace it because they thought the opportunity would never present itself but it did. That is why, imo, they didn't have a health care plan for the last seven years, hell it's why they've never had a health care plan ever! Now they've talked so much that they have forced themselves to come up with something even if it's crap which is really ok with them anyway. Coming up with a comprehensive health care plan goes against everything conservatives stand for and they aren't going to start at this late date with a plan that Trump promised will be the greatest in history. lol
  5. I hope you are right about that but I'm not counting on it happening. I'm afraid that once it's gone it'll be gone for many generations.
  6. Well that would be a good thing but don't count on the Republican Party to do it because they are vehemently against anything like that.
  7. This I disagree with. Republicans have never wanted comprehensive health care, they never wanted SS, they never wanted Medicare either. The Republican Party has fought for a couple of generation to rid America of these programs. Bush tried to float privatizing SS which would have all but killed the program as people pulled out. It went over like a lead balloon. Their replacement for Obamacare is meant to be a failure because that's what they want to happen! Republicans want health care to go away..you can take that to the bank.
  8. I would agree with this..the Republicans are good at the self-fulfilling prophecy. They like to defund things making it impossible for them to succeed and when they fail because of their actions they go around saying "i told you so".
  9. Obamacare just needed to be tweaked and improved, but Republicans didn't want Obama to get any credit for anything so they obstructed the whole thing because they were hell bent on making him a one term president. There really was/is no need to throw out the baby with the bath water. Despite all the horror stories about Obamacare most Americans are getting good care at a reasonable price and MILLIONS are getting care that had none before. Obamacare was never intended to be the end game for health care, it was just the beginning, but now the Republicans are going to ruin it because they have politicized it to the point that they can't go back now. The Republican Party and Donald Trump now own health care in America..it's only going to get worse under their watch because they didn't want comprehensive health care to begin with..bet it!
  10. No one said it wasn't. Health insurance is always less for younger people because there is less risk, the older you get the greater the risk and the higher the associated cost.
  11. Health insurance is cheap when you are 25 to 35. It really starts going up when you are over 45 and when you are 60 it skyrockets. I hope you aren't under the impression that your health insurance premiums should be the same as they were when you were 25 because no ones is. Comparing premiums when one is 25 to later in life is disingenuous at best and deceptive at worst..
  12. Is there anyone here that actually thinks that Trumpcare is going to be better and cheaper than what we currently have? Is there anyone here that actually thinks that Trumpcare premiums won't ever go up? Is there anyone here that actually thinks that Trumpcare will cover more people not fewer? Who here really thinks their Trumpcare policies will offer the same or more coverage for less?
  13. The only good thing that will come out of this is that the Republicans will eventually choke on their own vomit. That's figuratively of course.
  14. Democrats need to stand up in unison and demand that the Republican healthcare plan provide insurance premiums that never go up. They also should demand a perfect solution to Obamacare because that's what they always seem to expect. The Dems need to continue to demand this until the Republicans deliver it! The Republicans are great at demanding perfection but lousy at providing any. So this should be their time to shine and show America that Trumpcare will be the panacea they dream of...they own it now!
  15. People are really missing it here, Republicans don't want comprehensive healthcare reform, they never have and they never will. Republicans didn't want SS or Medicare either. Any plan the Republicans come up with will likely reduce benefits and leave people with plans with less coverage than Obamacare provides and at the same time millions will lose all of their coverage! The Republican Party is going to own a yuuuge disaster called Trumpcare that will send millions back to the emergency rooms to seek healthcare. It's a mess of the Republicans doing..they own health care now!
  16. Nothing goes down over time..nothing. The people that expected premiums to go down with the ACA were naive and if they think they will go down with Trumpcare they're being even more gullible. Healthcare premiums were going up every year before Obamacare was even an idea. My health insurance went up almost every year for ten years before Obamacare. What are cons going to say when premiums start going up under their plan? And they will because nothing goes down. They'll probably blame Obama. The problem is that Obamacare just needed to be tweaked a little but Republicans politicized it to the point that they can't go back now. They had numerous opportunities to help build a good system but they choose to obstruct healthcare at every turn because that was their plan..obstruct everything Obama and the Dems came up with. The Republicans have been fighting things like SS, Medicare, and Obamacare for over 75 years. If they had their way they'd get rid of all of those but they know there would be serious political ramification if they did. So now they are going to completely ruin what could have been a decent healthcare system all in the name of politics. Millions are going to lose their plans but Trump and the Republicans will claim things are better. A potential of 20 million people could lose their benefits under Trumpcare so I suppose that would be better to cons, the only thing they'd like more would be to throw everyone off and just call their Obamacare replacement "drop dead granny care".
  17. One can only conclude that Trump believes what he says because he even claims that he has proof of some of these things, (like the Muslim video) proof that he wasn't able to provide. In fact I can't think of a single time that Trump provided any proof to many of his allegations. If he did I missed it. He said he saw on the news Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11. He believes he saw it, but it simply didn't happen. When questioned about it he doubled down on it and said he would get the video. None exist because he imagined (believed) the whole thing and tried to cover it up with more lies.
  18. I believe I listed 3 things (the birther bs, Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11, and the wiretap bs ) that I think Trump believes..that would be 100% of those three things. lol That's far different from saying " You're the one who says he isn't lying 100% of the time" which I of course didn't say. Here's the actual quote:
  19. Can you provide a quote from me that says this? Did you read what I posted? Because if you had you wouldn't have come to this conclusion. He may well be due to his strong compulsion to lie, but he's not manipulating anyone except for the apologist that want to hear things like Obama had him wiretaped and he isn't an American etc, etc, etc. Look man, for what ever reason you just didn't like the answer I gave..fine..you don't have to like it and as far as reframing the argument goes, there really isn't an argument here because Trump is a liar, you think he lies to manipulate and I think he lies because he's devoid of the ability to process any information that isn't steeped in some conspiracy along with his compulsion to lie. Trump would lie even if the truth sounded better. As to what percentage of lies Trump tells i'm not going to try and handicap that and will leave it to others to make their own decision regarding that. I worry more about having a bat shit crazy president making decisions based on fantasy and conspiracy.
  20. Oh I read it..you ask "what his tell is". Well that's pretty easy, when he makes false claims that he is unable to back up, that's his "tell". When he says he saw Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11 and offered to get the video to prove it but was unable to do so..that's his "tell". Trump is a compulsive liar and I don't think anyone needs to provide a list or rehash the obvious bat shit crazy things he's said and done. I hate to break it to you but this isn't a court of law and you aren't directing the prosecution witness cross-examination. I answered the question the way I did because I know that it will only fall on deaf ears to many of the apologist that have been ignoring the obvious about Trump from the beginning. I know my opinion isn't going to change the apologist minds about his compulsions to lie and make shit up..it is what it is. That's my line.
  21. I've come to the conclusion that Trump is flat out bat shit crazy. I don't say this because of ideological differences I have with him. I base my opinion on the nonsense that comes out of his mouth and keyboard. Further, the crazy shit he says, and the baseless accusations he makes, are NOT a strategy any sane person would implement because it's just plain nuts. If anyone thinks that the birther bullshit is an arbitrary line, or the fact that Trump thinks he saw Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11, or any other of the countless times he's uttered irrational thoughts or flat out lies, then there is NOTHING anyone could say that would sway the Trump apologist. Sorry but that's my view of his behavior and I believe that it's an accurate characterization that is born out by Trump's own actions and words.
  22. This wiretap story that Donald "grab them by the pussy" Trump is trying to float (with zero evidence) just goes to show what a real fool Trump really is. Not only is Trump a fool but he obviously doesn't mind illustrating the fact over and over again. Anyone that has the power of the presidency, has the power of the Justice Dept. behind them who believes the conspiracy nonsense that comes out of Breitbart, doesn't have the necessities required to be the POTUS. And to think that Bannon is the assistant to the president is scary, but not as scary as the Trump apologist that ignore every crazy thing the fool says. The apologist actually think the crazy shit that comes out of Trump is a ploy to distract the public. lol It's not a strategy, he's just nuts! Trump is a conspiracy theorist that gets his "facts" (like the birther bs, Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11, and the wiretap bs) from places like Breitbart..Trump doesn't bother with fake news outlets, he gets the real shit from Breitbart. All of these things are what Trump actually believes. I'd hate to think what else is rolling around inside his brain.
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