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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. We need a big 9th inning rally to beat the dogs. These spring games against the Dodgers were a lot more fun before interleague play started.
  2. What do you guys think of the new lighting at the Big A? The stands are much darker and the field of play looks brighter.
  3. Hope the Angel offense gets going by the start of the season. This would put most people to sleep.
  4. I realize it's still ST for a couple of more days but that game was tough to watch. LTBU
  5. It's difficult to take the GOP seriously after the seven year "dog and pony show" they put on over the evil, horrible, disastrous, etc. ACA that they promised to repeal. They couldn't even bring it to a vote even though they voted 60 something times to repeal the law when they knew it didn't matter but when they got the power to actually do it they crumbled. Trump says it's the Democrats fault. lol
  6. I got that question because several days earlier I had read about the guy. Otherwise I'd never heard of him before. People that saw him pitch claim he threw harder than anyone but who really knows.
  7. If it isn't apparent yet it should be obvious now that Republicans never really wanted to repeal Obamacare. The fact that they bitched about it for seven years without a replacement is more than enough evidence to show that they weren't really serious about their outrage, which as it turns out is nothing more than feigned moral outrage to whip up their base and create votes. Republicans, you've been used again! Your party has been promising you small government and repeal of the ACA but they never deliver. Ronald Reagan gave illegals amnesty and raised taxes, George W. actually expanded government!! All the anti government talk is FAKE! Obamacare has been nothing more than a talking point and rhetoric to the Republican Party. When the cons had no chance to actually repeal the law they voted over and over (maybe 60 times) to repeal the ACA. Now that they have the legislative power to actually do it they folded like a cheap tent and couldn't even bring it to a vote! If no one believes that cons really didn't want to repeal the ACA one needs to look no further than the Republicans that actually SAVED Obamacare starting with Chief Justice John Roberts (a Republican) who was the swing vote that found the law constitutional!!! Now House Republicans have saved Obamacare yet again due to hard liners that didn't back the repeal and made it impossible to even have a vote. It's all just talk from Republicans that have used their rhetoric to whip up their base by comparing the ACA with the devil himself. They have the power but not the will. The reason they don't have the will is because they never really had it to begin with.
  8. That sounds like Steve Dalkowski? Many people swear that "Smokey" Joe Wood was the hardest thrower in history which somewhat dispels the notion that players from his era only threw in the middle 80's.
  9. I don't really want any of these guys (this group illustrates our overall pitching weakness) but if one of them emerges as a quality #5 then great..I don't care which one it is. I voted for Ramirez.
  10. I don't have anything against the WBC and I don't care who does or doesn't play..I'm just not interested in it..sorry.
  11. It does seem odd that the GOP is more concerned about imagined wide spread voter fraud than they are with the Russians trying to influence our election. Their priorities are looking a bit skewed here. Although the more they can suppress the vote the better off they become so that probably answers that question. Trump of course is full of crap but many of his apologist still won't take the word of Congress over his lies.
  12. Sooner or later people will eventually realize that Trump is just full of crap.
  13. Until Trout arrived Wally Joyner probably had the most memorable rookie season but Trout's rookie year was just unbelievable in every way imaginable. It was almost impossible to take your eyes off the guy whether he was hitting, running, or making a crazy circus catch. His speed alone made him fun to watch like when he would score from first or disrupt the other team. We are very lucky to have a player like Trout in an Angel uniform.
  14. Rand Paul is no more a Republican than Bernie is a Democrat.
  15. Trump probably leaked the returns.
  16. I didn't have a candidate this time around.
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