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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. We have six outs to get 3 runs. Top of the order up. LETS GO HALOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Looks like we're going to need another ninth inning comeback.
  3. I don't think you'll be seeing Cowart unless he gets on fire, or there's an injury, or both.
  4. He only had to talked to northeasterners.
  5. 3 hits for Albert tonight. Sometimes all you have to do is ask. lol
  6. I'd just be happy if Albert got another hit before the end of this month.
  7. Scotty, in your opinion is Trout a better hitter than Ty Cobb (Cobb hit .367 lifetime and hit .400 twice) or Rogers Hornsby? (Hornsby had a lifetime .358 avg. and hit .400 three times) Just curious.
  8. Man I should have got that..I had to look it up also.
  9. Scotty you seem to be confused about "who" played baseball versus "where" professional baseball was played. MLB was played in the east mostly but players from that era came from all over the country. Baseball was in fact at it's height of popularity at that time. It was the National Pastime! Players who played in the 30's or earlier like Bob Feller (who came from Iowa in 1936) Walter Johnson (was from Kansas hardly the northeast) Joe Dimaggio (who came from San Francisco in 1936) or Ted Williams (who came from San Diego in 1939) were scouted all over the country just as they are today. Your take about MLB being a "regional game" is accurate only as it pertains to "where" the game was played. The players themselves came from all over the country just as they do today. I think you need to give this a little more thought.
  10. When you agreed that Willie Mays could play in any era, then out of the other side of your mouth claimed that Ruth couldn't compete in todays game you completely blew any credibility you may have had on this subject. What I see is someone that hasn't given this much thought. Again I appreciate your enthusiasm and I enjoy reading your takes on the game but you are really off base on this one and we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  11. Sorry Scotty, but you are waaaay off base if you think Trout at this point in his career is better than Ruth..not even close! You are always talking shit about the game Ruth played but what about the changes baseball has made to generate more offense over the years since Ruth played, like lowering the pitching mound in the 60's to make it easier for hitters or the shrinking strike zone that's so small now that it's tantamount to having to throw it straight down the middle? How about throwing the ball out of play every couple of pitches to put a nice shiny white one in play that makes it much easier to see? Or what about expansion that has diluted the game to the point that there are twice as many teams today than there were in the 60's when there were only 8 teams in the league? Straw man my ass. Mays came into the league just about 20 years after the Babe retired and you seem to be of the opinion that the game evolved sooo much in that time that Ruth wouldn't have been able to compete but Mays could. To that I say bull shit!!!! Sorry Scotty, not only am I not buying your assertion that Trout is better than Ruth but I think it's fair to say you'd have a hardly time finding anyone else that agrees with you.
  12. If this is your view of what the game was, then I just have to say you are wrong. Funny but I never realized that Bob Feller was 5'7, worked at a mill before he pitched, and only threw 80 mph. lol Sorry Scotty, you can try and spin this anyway you want to, but there is no way Trout is better than Ruth and I think that you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that would agree with you. Plus your definition of the game that the guys played in the 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's is insulting to the players that played in those eras.
  13. Willie Mays came into the league about 20 years after Ruth retired. So are you trying to say that in the short span between Ruth and Mays that the human species evolved so much that Ruth couldn't compete against todays players but Mays could? Do you actually think that Mays could play in any era but Ruth couldn't?? Anyone that thinks Trout is better than Ruth at this point in his career is, to quote you, "either blind, stupid or both".
  14. Trout will have to have a sensational career to match Mays!
  15. Yeah, that's pretty damning proof, except NO ONE equaled him under those very same conditions. This nonsense about Ruth's era being so easy is debunked by the fact that he had no equal in his era. Plus he was possibly the best left handed pitcher in the league for several years. Seriously Scotty, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the Babe is thus far light years ahead of Trout. Maybe 15 years from now that won't be the case but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  16. LTBU! Angels get a shut out and can go for the series win tomorrow. Keeping fingers crossed for Richards.
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