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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Shoe gets through 5 innings on 88 pitches. Lets get some runs! Go Halos!!
  2. All tied at one after the first. Shoe throws 33 pitches in the first!
  3. Let today be the return of the Shoe. Go Halos..Go Shoe!
  4. Specifically I can't say, but it doesn't look good due to the fact that he apparently hasn't made any progress at all.. Apparently the Angels in the last ten days haven't been able to even diagnose Richards' injury..not a good sign.
  5. I have a feeling that Richards can't be counted on. This has gone from a cramp to a bicep strain to who knows what. Richards hasn't made any progress since being shutdown..he was supposed to begin throwing a couple of day ago but wasn't able to. Jeff Fletcher reports that "Richards is still experiencing lack of strength in his biceps" I hope it's really nothing more than a strain but it's sure starting to look like something else.
  6. Seven would be better but I guess I shouldn't ask for too much. Lets Go Halos!
  7. I have to admit that I have very mixed feelings about Albert. On the one hand the guy is a definite gamer, on the other, he's had many nagging injuries that have hindered his performance since becoming an Angel that have been frustrating. Watching him run is painful and when he tries to take an extra base and is thrown out because he's so slow is maddening. Yet he'll get hot and start hitting bombs that literally carry the team for several days. His slow starts every year are hard to take yet when he warms up Albert can still play despite his age and injuries that have slowed him down. Certainly it isn't Albert's fault for the contract the Angels gave him but I would argue that pay is indeed tied to performance. If it weren't Jeff Mathis would be getting $200+M like Albert is. Albert got the big contract precisely because of the performance he carved out the first 11 years of his career. The difference is that players are paid for past performance which teams use as a way to gauge what they will do in the future. Some pan out, some don't. Albert's Angel career hasn't been that bad if based solely on his play but it's impossible to not take into account his salary which doesn't match the out put. I'll still like watching and cheering when Albert contributes to wins like he did the other day, but I'll also be frustrated by him at times also. I guess I have to admit that makes me a fair weather Albert fan.
  8. The opinion seems to have changed some in recent days, but it's really too early to get a real take on the Angels thus far. The pitching is suspect, especially the starting rotation. In the end the Angels will go as far as the pitching allows.
  9. When I first heard that Richards was going to forgo TJ surgery I posted here that it would likely be a miracle if he makes it out of ST. Well he made it out of ST, so maybe he'll be able to make it back again this year but I really think the odds are not in his favor. Hope I'm wrong.
  10. I'm not Jeff but Scioscia said this today: Doesn't sound very encouraging to me.
  11. With a win today the Angels can take the series 2 games to 1. LETS GO HALOS!
  12. Simmons with a lead-off hit. Could it happen again?
  13. Albert first pitch swinging. Oh well, on to the ninth.
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