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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Ya know, it still pisses me off after all these years. lol Bavasi let the most exciting pitcher in the league leave for no good reason. Anyone that is old enough to remember Ryan put a lot of extra fans in the seats on the days he pitched. The Big A was pretty empty when he wasn't pitching except for the years Tanana was healthy. It ended way sooner than it had to.
  2. You're whole diatribe became meaningless when you displayed a profound ignorance of what I posted.
  3. Jesus dude, it's late so I'll cut you a little of slack. I said it needs to be adjusted to accurately reflect the electorate, you know the voters. lol You are the only one that stated some nonsense about previous election being egregious or some other gibberish. At least try and get it straight..dude.
  4. I believe I said the Electoral College needs to be adjusted to accurately reflect the electorate. At least you could try and accurately quote me but that wouldn't be intellectually honest would it. Of course you think it's gibberish..you didn't understand what i posted. Weak sauce, dude.
  5. No one is "beating their gums". The fact that Trump not only doesn't have a mandate but also doesn't have the support of the majority of the electorate is proof that the Electoral College needs to be adjusted if we are to have a democracy that accurately represents what the people want. Most people aren't interested in continuing to elect a minority president in a country that decides every election (except for the president) by a majority vote. This isn't 1795 anymore and if you're willing to have the minority dictate to the majority then the status quo is just fine. Those that believe in a democracy aren't comfortable with a system that over represents certain parts of the country just because they did it that way 200 years ago when only white land owners could vote. If the cons had lost two recent presidential elections after winning the popular vote they would be screaming bloody murder and we'd never hear the end of it and you know what..they'd have a point.
  6. I don't know what accomplishment he shares but he was something of a minor league legend who collect over 3500 hits!
  7. The Angels offense has gone missing again thus far.
  8. To some people it's the actual barometer of the will of the people. When cons say the people voted for this, the people voted for that, or the people voted for Trump to do some horse slop and pig vomit..they are wrong..the people voted for Clinton!
  9. Some people have also forgotten that Clinton won the popular vote.
  10. Question ..will Nolasco have a shutdown inning?
  11. Saw Wally Moon hit a "Moon Shot" over the screen in 1960.
  12. LA Dodgers play in the LA Coliseum 1958.
  13. I'm usually pretty positive but I have to admit that a "F these F'ing loser hitters thread" has some appeal. Watching yet another slow/bad start has gotten beyond frustrating.for me and I'm sure everyone else also. If you choose to vent I might just be compelled to join you.
  14. Two time GG winner and an AS last year. Steroids had nothing to do with it.
  15. People actually think this is the post steroid era.
  16. We've seen Mr. Cy _____ too many times already.
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