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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Lineup is a head scratcher unless Trout is under the weather or something.
  2. OK Halos lets wipe the stench from last nights loss off with a series win tonight. Lets Go Halos!!
  3. Lets get another victory over the Dipoto's! Go Halos!
  4. I just don't get the fascination with Cowart, he has a history of failure at the plate on a ML level to the tune of 5 walks and 42 K's in 139 at bats. Escobar has a history of success at the ML level that encompasses 11 years with an average of .282! So he's in a slump, so what, who hasn't had one. It would be great if Cowart could come up and hit like everyone hopes he can, but so far he hasn't and I don't think turning over the third base job to him because Escobar has had a bad month in the last 11 years is the smart thing to do.
  5. I wish we had a better option at third than Escobar but throwing out the baby with the bath water after only one month is not smart. So the guy is in a slump, every player goes through them. We could bring up Cowart to play third and get better defense but the guy hasn't shown he can hit ML pitching and how long would it take for people to start complaining about Cowart hitting .180 and killing every rally? Right now I'm more concerned about how to replace Richards, Skaggs, Street, etc.
  6. What most people don't seem to get is that if you get rid of Escobar it will take two players to replace him..a third baseman and a lead-off hitter and as far as I can see the only Angel on the roster that can lead-off is Trout and I don't think that would be prudent. I'm far more concerned about the pitching than Escobar.
  7. I would agree that if Escobar continues not to hit for an extended period of time then it would in the best interest of the team to find a replacement.
  8. Agree with @Blarg and @Scotty@AW Escobar has earned a little more time due to his success as our lead-off hitter the last couple of years. Plus we don't have a suitable replacement to lead-off. Sure his defense isn't great, he doesn't have much range and his throws are at times erratic, but his role as our lead-off hitter is an important one. I know that the people here that hate him won't agree, but he's the only option we really have. Maybe we could call up Cowart and have him lead-off? If we had a decent lead-off hitter I'd be more inclined to dump Escobar because of his defense, but the fact is we don't.
  9. Cowart, Escobar, or 3B are the least of the Angels problems. The offense has stagnated and our pitchers are going on the DL at an alarming rate again this year. Cowart won't change any of that.
  10. Lets keep this ball rolling Shoe, keep the ball down so that we can stomp the Dipoto's. Offense, get some runs, score early and often. GO HALOS!!
  11. @Mark68 Scioscia made the right decision..get over it.
  12. The injuries have been killing us the last couple of years. If healthy the Angels wouldn't be half bad, but the baseball gods seem to have it in for us.
  13. Langston concerned that Skaggs came out after only 76 pitches.
  14. Skaggs out after 5, Petit in. Seems strange considering Skaggs pitch count.
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