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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. There are some here that will never give Scioscia any credit for anything. He's done as good of a job as anyone could have under the circumstances but there is a lot of hate for him here. There are things he does at times that leave me wondering (like not walking Judge with first open in Anaheim) but there's no doubt that he's a future HOFer and one doesn't get there on accident.
  2. If he's healthy and effective it'll be great, if not.......
  3. I believe Street will be activated tomorrow 6/22..
  4. I don't know who the kids played for but I think Fisk wore 27 for the Sux.
  5. Morin comes in to allow both runners to score..nice job Morein. 5-2 Skanks.
  6. Well Ricky gives up two homers in 5.1 innings and leaves the game with two on and 1 out and makes me eat my words.
  7. Albert doesn't come through and Maybin doesn't advance to third on the play.
  8. Go Halos! Ricky surprise me and don't give up 3 homers tonight, make me eat my words.
  9. Unreal..when is it going to stop? One pitcher comes back (Cam) and two go down (Shoe and Norris).
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