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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. This is something I think most seem to miss. Even if those guys rebound and can pitch effectively the innings aren't going to be there and the Angels will still need someone else to take up the slack left by those guys. What that means is that the rotation even if healthy will need help! I hope I'm wrong, but I just think Richards is done..it's sad really.
  2. This might not be enough to make the Angels a real contender next year..if Moreno is willing to go over the cap then maybe, but I don't see that happening because he seems to have limited the payroll to that so.. As far as how I would spend $40 it would have to be spread out over the positions that have been discussed and roll the dice on the rotation we have, which I don't think would be a recipe for success unless the Angels start getting some breaks or unexpected help from the minors like Cowart. If he can hit ML pitching it would be huge to the organization but.... The injuries to the pitching staff and the devastation of the minors have put the Angels in a really bad spot.
  3. This is the real problem. The Angels have so many holes at the present time it might not be possible for them to go out and get an arm or two. Just what are the Angels going to focus on in the off season...2B, LF, 1B, rotation, bullpen? There's no help coming from the minors so.........
  4. Completely agree. There's not only a huge vacancy at the top of the rotation, there's also a huge vacancy of pitchers that aren't coming off of major injuries. If what we have right now (Richards, Skaggs, Heaney, Trop, Shoemaker, etc) is what we are going to count on for next year then we are in big trouble. Those guys (Richards, Skaggs, Heaney, Trop, Shoemaker) are all damaged goods that can't be counted on. The odds say a couple of those guys will bounce back but getting many innings out of them next year is just betting on the come. Of those five guys only two (Richards and Shoemaker) have had any real success at the ML level. Believing that Skaggs, Heaney, and Trop are going to be effective starters that can be counted on to pitch 180+ innings next year is just wishful thinking. If the Angels aren't able to come up with a couple of starters for next season it's just going to be the same thing all over again.
  5. Trout matches Harper with a BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that!
  6. Maybin being helped off the field and to make matters worse the call is reversed and he is out.
  7. Harper homers off of Chavez. Geez, we give up a lot of homers..no marine layer for the opposing team.
  8. Small rant here.. I don't give a rats ass what his WAR is, in fact I'm growing a little tired of players being defined by this all the time like it's the gospel. WAR is just one stat it's not been sent to earth from the Gods as the end all of be all. Having said that, Gordon would be a huge upgrade at second compared to what we've had recently and I don't think the price is too high. Any signing has risks..I don't care who it is. [/rant]
  9. My case wasn't that the club lost money..my point was that Moreno lost money. For example, Moreno lost pretty much $125M on Hamilton. That money is gone whether or not it is reflected on his P&L statement. It's money that was flushed that could have either gone into Moreno's pocket or the teams. The fact that the team generated a certain amount of revenue has nothing to do with actual losses! Hamilton was paid for services rendered and Moreno got little, very little for those services even if the the team still made money.
  10. Of course it's his money, he made it, it's income generated by the business he owns! Just because he didn't mow someones lawn doesn't mean it isn't his. This constant bleating about it (money) not being a big deal is ridiculous. Losing close to a billion dollars is not insignificant and expecting Moreno to just keep eating money because people think it isn't his is naive..sorry I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but this crap about the money not being Moreno's or that it's no big deal is nonsense. This shouldn't be construed as me being on the owners side, in fact I'm suspicious of many practices baseball owners employ and I'll continue to be skeptical of them until they open their books when they start crying about how little they actually make.
  11. Another meaningless homer by Valbuena. lol
  12. What's the over/under on how many bombs Nolasco gives up? Go Halos..Go Trout!!!!!
  13. It's doubtful that Richards will pitch again this year. Richards has not yet been cleared to start pitching again and the window for him to have enough time to get ready is closing rapidly.
  14. I'll agree that Judge's performance against batting practice pitches was fun to watch, but it was hardly "the most impressive hitting display I've ever seen"..far from it. I thought Reggie Jackson's 3 homers against the Dodgers in the WS was far more impressive because it was real baseball played under real conditions. You could add Adam Kennedy's 3 bombs in the play-offs also as being impressive. Ted Williams hit over .400 and DiMaggio hit in 56 straight and that wasn't against batting practice pitches..it was real! There are many more moments that would fall under the category as memorable long before the Home Run Derby would. ymmv
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