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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Pure speculation on your part. There is zero evidence that anyone on the Angel coaching staff or the medical team is at the root of the pitching injuries...none!! It's just like the whole Mickey Hatcher thing. Everyone wanted to blame him for the hitting woes but nothing got any better when he was fired. This bs has started to take on a life of its own, something similar to blaming Scioscia for any of the other Angel problems. If only we'd get rid of Scioscia and the pitching/medical staff all of the Angel problems would disappear and the next stop will be another WS championship..if you believe that I've got some property in Florida that might interest you. YMMV
  2. As long as millions of dollars can be made people will continue to play football.
  3. Maybe it's just luck of the draw and no one is accountable?
  4. It would sure be nice if Bridwell winds up being the real thing..is it too much to ask for?
  5. People bitch about Albert being in the line up because he's "killing the team" and then they bitch when he gets a day off...like he was in some kind of hot streak that's now broken because of that idiot Scioscia! lmao! Go Halos!!!!!
  6. Geez, Pennington you have to make contact. The Angels botch that gift from Boston.
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