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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. I don't expect much out of Skaggs in terms of his effectiveness, but hey you never know, hopefully he'll surprise but I wouldn't hold my breath. I mean it's not like he has a history of dominance or good health. Buyer beware.
  2. His fans don't care that he broke the golden rule and then lied about it for years..they think he belongs because he got the most hits and anything else he did shouldn't matter. Betting on baseball alone is enough for a life time ban and is indeed why he was banned.
  3. The criticism of Trump's military record is valid especially in the wake of his criticism of John McCain's war record. There is very little that I agree with politically when it comes to McCain and his involvement in the Saving and Loan scandal should have gotten him punished in the Senate, but his heroism during the Vietnam War is unquestioned and to have a phony 4-F question McCain's record is beyond disgusting. Trump was a phony 4-F after his deferments ran out. I have no problem with the educational deferments but I do with the phony 4-F thing. It's not a matter of whether or not Trump served in the military, it's how he managed to avoid/dodge the draft. Trump had 4 educational deferments and a temporary 1-Y for medical reasons until 1972 when it was changed to 4-F. This imo makes Trump a chicken hawk and a hypocrite of the first order.
  4. That's about as wrong as it gets. Hope you enjoyed the win. lol
  5. Walking a run in with Trout at bat and Albert coming up was the best thing that happened to the Jays
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