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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Trout BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7-4 Angels.
  2. That still doesn't explain why you bitch about a team you don't like or even why you post on a board about a team you don't like. Are you just trolling??
  3. So you don't like the Angels but follow them anyway..that doesn't explain why you bitch about the line-up every day if you don't care.
  4. "Used to be" doesn't explain why you care about something you don't care about. Maybe you just like to bitch about the line-up every day??
  5. Yeah, I don't get it he's JustATroutFan, it's not like he's an AngelsFan.
  6. The poll numbers are a real surprise considering the amount of criticism Scioscia gets on a daily basis here. I'm not a Scioscia apologist by any stretch but I just don't see how anyone can overlook what the team has overcome thus far. Honestly if the Angels go on to get a play-off spot I don't see how Scioscia isn't the hands down winner.
  7. Yeah, it's a wonder that anyone that doesn't start every day can even hit.
  8. Jered Weaver..class act and a great Angel! PS: would love to have Weaver sign a one day contract and retire an Angel.
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