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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. If more teams start doing this I can see Albert getting embarrassed and possibly considering retirement..if not, Albert will likely collect most of what he is owed.
  2. Look for only the richest teams to be in the running. Skankees, Dodgers or Boston.
  3. @eligrba4ever this will be a 4 hour+ game by the time we complete the come back!
  4. The pitching may well suck but we can take solace with the fact that we have the best 2 or 3 inning starters in the league..hands down.
  5. How bad does a pitcher have to be to give up 34 friggin home runs?
  6. I think Victor is just ok, I think he's average. However I really don't like Gubi and would like a new color guy. I think Mark Langston is very good and I wouldn't mind seeing him move to the TV side.
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