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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. I did say that perhaps Lau helped Brett, that's hardly a "complete dismissal". I have no doubt that some coaches have helped players, but they had to have the talent to start with otherwise the Major Leagues would be full of great hitters that were taught how to hit. It's like trying to teach someone how to run fast. Sure it's possible for a coach to help maximize a runners ability but no coach on earth is going to "teach" Albert Pujols how to run fast or for Mario Mendoza to hit higher than .215!
  2. If Charley Lau was instrumental in "making" Brett a great hitter, why then wasn't the Royals line-up chock full of other HOFer's just like him? Pointing out one guy that had success is called anecdotal evidence. Now if you could point out multiple examples of players that Lau helped become lifetime .300 HOF hitters then you'd have a case, but it's my opinion that Brett already had the talent. Perhaps Lau helped him but he didn't take an untalented Brett and turn him into a great hitter. If that were so there would be plenty more just like him. My point is that good/great hitters are born not made. Are there exceptions? Perhaps, but not many and I would argue those exceptions already had the talent to hit. BTW..Brett had reasonably good success in the minors before Lau came along. In 4 minor league seasons Brett hit .281, not what I would call "not much of a hitter".
  3. LOL No. I'm of the opinion that talent is what makes a good/great hitter..If you could teach someone to hit then everyone would be able to hit ML pitching!
  4. Yeah, Bob was much less fixated on Scioscia back then but he clearly and openly hates all things related to the Dodgers and that includes Scioscia. I'm sure Bob hated Scioscia long before he ever managed the Angels. lol As a long time Angel fan myself I understand the animosity some of us have toward the Dodgers. They get the lead on every local news stations sports cast all through the baseball season even in the years they were doing poorly and the Angels had great teams..the Angels have always come second to the Dodgers in the media. There are other reasons for long time Angel fans to hate the Dodgers but I don't think they need to be rehashed now. I much prefer the Bob of the old MLB Angel board but I get where he is coming from even though I'm not a Scioscia hater.
  5. The Angels have simply had bad teams without enough talent to compete that also ran into more than their share of bad injuries. People can blame Scioscia all they want to for the last couple of years but if you don't have the talent and they aren't healthy to boot how in hell is that Scioscia's fault. I honestly don't think there is any other manager in baseball that could have won with the last two Angel teams but I also recognize that there is a large hate Scioscia contingent here that will blame him for everything and credit him for nothing. There are people here that probably think it was Scioscia's fault that Shoemaker got hit in the head. I also happen to think it's time for Scioscia to go but not for the reasons many here believe. I feel it's time for a change in the Angel dugout but I'm realistic enough to know that unless some of the problems with the players are addressed then nothing will really change. Players with talent win in sports not managers. If the Angels were to acquire a new manager and the team doesn't meet the critics unreasonable expectations, they'll just have another daily bitch fest here about how crappy the new guy is. How anyone could have seriously or reasonably expected the 2017 Angels to make the play-offs or to actually advance just flies in the face of reality and to blame Scioscia for that is just as ridiculous. If the Angels don't shore up the damaged and injury prone pitching staff and fill a couple of other position don't expect much to change even if there's a new manager. YMMV
  6. That and he would have been able to prevent the injuries to the pitching staff.
  7. Lookie, lookie, here comes Cookie...Lovagetto. Floyd Bevens..maybe Bill. I don't remember his first name.
  8. This! As has been stated already, there was nothing to lose by challenging the call. There's no excuse for not challenging the call on the field, and imo, Girardi just plain and simple choked.
  9. There was absolutely nothing to lose by challenging the call of a hit batter and the Yankee catcher (who was the closest person to the play) told Girardi the batter wasn't hit. There was plenty of time, Girardi just choked and his explanations after the game were lame at best. That's how I saw it. YMMV
  10. Not sure who I would select but it wouldn't be Girardi. BTW..my opinion is not based on his f up last night.
  11. I don't mind the expanded play-offs but I don't like the WS starting and ending so late in the year. MLB needs to trim the regular season down a few games so that the WS isn't played in the winter.
  12. Not even close. Every one in the Angel organization from the players to the front office hated Collins. He single-handedly tore the team apart.
  13. He was the worst manager in Angel history.
  14. I agree. Even though the season wound up bad it was at least entertaining in terms of the Angels being in the hunt most of the way.
  15. Sorry Chuck, but I disagree. Starting this thread and stating your opinion on whether or not you think the Anthem or the flag has been disrespected is indeed politicizing sports. Why not put this thread in the political section? That's where it belongs.
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