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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. That was his mo along with always posting nothing but negative things, but I have a feeling he's going to be dealt with differently here. I always used to say he was a troll but he wasn't even good at doing it. lol
  2. Something I'd really like to see is a better start from the Angels. Too many seasons have seen a slow start that makes it really tough to be in a position to have to always play catch up. We don't have to start the season hot but I'm tired of the sub .500 starts of recent years. The coaching staff has to do a better job of preparing the team for the start of the season than they have in the past.
  3. Well done Chuck! If history is any indication he'll be back with another profile but he's easy to spot.
  4. You just can't beat this stuff. What happened to the Republicans don't attack other Republicans? Mitt Romney just said that Trump was playing Republican voters for "suckers"! The GOP establishment is running scared and is trying to dictate to the voters in their party. It's on!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. He went through 4 or 5 screen names in a month before the last one stuck. The guy is a Detroit Tiger fan. I give him a week.
  6. Come join the rest of us refuges from the now defunct Angel board.
  7. Sometimes people put waaay to much importance on a spring training game. I don't get it.
  8. Sue was a big fan of Peter Bourjos, more so than she was a fan of the Angels. So when he was traded she no longer had a reason to stay on the Angel board because she really wasn't an Angel fan..she was a Peter Bourjos fan. She defected some time ago and claimed "I just adore Puig". lol
  9. This is cool! More newbie refuges from MLB Angels board..keep um comin!
  10. This a good point because the bullpen is where games are won now days. Just look at 2002 we had a killer pen.
  11. I would love to see Shoemaker bounce back. He made a fan out of me in 2014 but mostly it would be huge for the Angels if he did. As far as Weaver goes I'm not very optimistic that a stretching regime is going to help much. What I expect to happen is that Weaver will have an increase in his velocity early on, but that it will decrease the more he pitches. I'd really like to be wrong because of what he's given to the team over the years and he is of course a fan favorite. However, all things eventually come to an end and this could be it for Jered. btw..this is Weavers walk year and unless he has a dramatic turnaround I don't expect to see him in a Angel uniform next year.
  12. I don't think run support or defense is going to help Weaver with his fastball or help Skaggs and Wilson recover from their surgeries. Shoemaker could once again be the key to the Angels success if he can regain his form..that's a big if. I'm not trying to make a case for gloom and doom. My point is some of those guys are going to rebound and some won't and the Angels better be careful about trading some of their surplus because there is a good chance they might be needed. An example would be Weaver. If he is as bad as he was last year someone will need to replace him. Skaggs is going to be limited in the best case scenario and he probably isn't going to start the season in the rotation. That's just two guys and cuts our 8 starters down to six and that includes Shoemaker who was ineffective last year.
  13. I think the starting rotation has major question marks. 1.Jered Weaver has to either find a few mph on his fastball or learn to pitch with a 83 mph heater which I don't think is possible in the big leagues unless you throw a knuckleball. 2.Hector Santiago was Jekyll and Hyde last year and had no consistency from the first half of the season to the second half. Who will show up for 2016? First half Santiago or Second half Santiago? 3.Tyler Skaggs simply can't be counted on for the entire 2016 season. To begin with he's going to be on a serious pitch count and at best will start the season in the bullpen, or at worst he'll start at AAA. If everything goes perfect for him he'll still be limited. When was the last time something went perfect? 4.Matt Shoemaker was great in 2014, he might have actually saved the Angels season. In 2015 he stunk. So was Shoemaker a one year wonder that is destine to return to the minors or can he find the magic he had two years ago? 5.C.J. Wilson is the second Angel starter to be coming off of surgery. Can he rebound? Will he be able to start the season in the rotation? And if he does will he be pain free and effective? Who knows. 6.Andrew Heaney looks good but he had a small sample of the big leagues last year while pitching only 105 innings. Can he pitch in the neighborhood of 200 innings this year? Hope so because he's going to have to if the Angels are going to challenge. 7.Nick Tropeano looks good also but he's only pitched 59 innings combined the last two years with 32 of those coming last year. He's very inexperienced and may or may not be in the rotation. Given that we have a couple of guys coming off of surgery and Shoemaker being a question mark I expect Tropeano to get more work this year. 8.Garrett Richards is going to be our ace going forward. If he's really an ace or not is yet to be proven but he's going to be our number one regardless because Weaver is in the process of falling off the face of the earth unless a miracle occurs. So as I see the rotation there are 5 big question marks out of the 8 potential starters and frankly they are big question marks that only time can answer. The Angels are going to need some old fashion luck. It doesn't mean that some of these guys won't be able to bounce back (some will) but to expect all of them to perform up to expectations is just asking for disappointment because only in a best case senario will that happen.
  14. Trump is acting like he doesn't know anything about the KKK and he initially wouldn't denounce David Dukes endorsement. Seriously, who would want an endorsement from the former head of the KKK? This could be what finally undoes Trumps campaign. I wasn't sure before but now I'm convinced he's a bigot.
  15. This is really a tough call for me as an Angel fan because Vlad made his name and baseball legacy as a Expo. But there is no denying the impact he had as an Angel player. Watching Vlad play was a joy, his talent at hitting bad balls was crazy. If Vlad is elected to the HOF and wears an Angel cap he would be a great choice and representative as the first Angel in the HOF! Apparently MLB has a big say in what cap is worn so who knows what they might decide. I'd like to see Vlad elected to the HOF because I think he is deserving and it would be very cool if he goes in as the first Angel player.
  16. This is a perfect example of how WAR shouldn't have all that much weight in determining how good a player is. It's a useful tool, that's all, and it only gives a small part of the whole picture. Vlad deserves to be in the HOF and most people that saw him play will agree. Anyone that would dismiss Vlad's greatness and HOF credentials because of WAR is missing it. ymmv
  17. If Trump is the nominee Bush supporters will vote for him.
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