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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. What if Weaver (who is only 33) goes 13-9 or 11-10 with a 4.00 era in 150+ innings this year? Would you still think he shouldn't be resigned?
  2. I don't know what's going to happen with Weaver going forward, but I'm not going to kick him when he's down..he EARNED better than that!
  3. Is a doubter someone that says Weaver sucks over and over for the last two seasons? Sorry, that doesn't sound like a doubter to me. That sounds like someone that can't accept one bad season from Weaver and has no respect for what he has done for the Angel organization over the last 11 years! YMMV
  4. If Weaver has a bad start next time out will the haters be calling for Weavers removal from the rotation or demand he retire like they have for the last two seasons? When people call for a player to retire before his contract is up, or ask that he be unceremoniously dumped or banished to the bull pen..if they aren't haters, then just what are they? When they make post after post about how Weaver sucks..if they aren't haters then what are they?
  5. We could use an insurance run or two. Alright Kole with a double!
  6. Just turned the game on and I see the Angels still haven't scored.
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