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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. I think it's time for Mike to move Albert down in the order until he starts to come around and move Kole into the fourth spot. Hopefully Shoe can build on his recent success. Other than that..Go Halos!!!!
  2. The only real solace here is that Albert has been a notoriously bad starter since coming to the Angels so I hope he can can get it turned around soon.
  3. A lot of negativity here tonight considering the Angels beat King Felix and the M's.
  4. This street is closed! Light That Baby Up!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Angels get an unexpected win against the King.
  5. Did you think he was going to hitless against us for the year?
  6. It's easier to just blame Scioscia all the time than to answer that question.
  7. The Angels go down weakly. Game over. Very disappointing that the offense can't seem to generate much of anything.
  8. Well on to the bottom of the 10th. Will the Angels make any noise or will they just roll over?
  9. OK the damage was limited to just two runs. Lets get some of that back in the bottom of the inning. Go Halos!
  10. Albert is a notorious slow starter, at least as far as his Angels career goes but .148 is a tad more than a slow start. Hope he picks it up soon..like tonight. Go Albert!
  11. This "situation" regarding Weaver will eventually resolve itself. If he's not effective then he will pitch himself out of the rotation at some point, however if Weaver continues to be average or better he'll finish the season in the rotation which is how it should be. As far as next year goes, if I were king of the Angels, I'd let his performance dictate whether he should be resigned or not. What I wouldn't do is to let one bad season cloud my judgement on a player that has been an asset to the team for 11 years. If Weaver repeats 2015 then I'd have to say goodbye but I wouldn't make that decision in April. ymmv
  12. For some here that is enough to call for his head and demand he retire for the good of the team.
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