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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. This has been a tough game to watch on several levels. The Angels gave us hope in the bottom of the first only to snatch it back a couple of innings later.
  2. Lookie there Luis..look at the hot dog. lololol Too funny.
  3. I'm afraid that if Wilson,Skaggs,or Heaney were health the Shoe would find himself back at AAA.
  4. A little bit of Huell goes a long way. I remember a show he did from Pink's Hot Dogs. He acted like he never saw a hot dog before. While he was out on the patio he would walk over to a table and ask what the diners were having and then reach down and tilt there food to the camera. lol At the next table the guy had to ask Huell not to touch his food. lol
  5. Shoe needs to get it together and keep the ball down.
  6. ALRIGHT KOLE!! Angels come back and score 3. A hit here could tie it up.
  7. OK, lets get 1 or 2 runs back in the bottom of the inning. Lets go Halos!
  8. Yeah, he seemed to think everyone, except of course himself, was clueless. lol
  9. Where have I heard that before? Are you channeling your inner A_G?
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