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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. Like I said Weaver got hit around a little bit but he didn't get shelled..Volquez is the one that got shelled! If Weaver had given up 3 runs in 6 innings instead of 4 would you say he almost got shelled?
  2. Weaver gave up 4 runs in 6 innings, that's hardly getting shelled. He got hit around a little bit but I think your characterization is a bit over stated. If Weaver had given up 3 runs instead of 4 in 6 innings would you say he almost got shelled?
  3. I don't care about his peripherals just the results and so far his results are better than good.
  4. Another way to put it, if we are to be honest, would be to say that Weaver out pitched Volquez.
  5. Wins are the only thing that counts..all that other stuff doesn't mean squat!
  6. Johnny drama with a three run bomb! 8-4 Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Cron with another hit and the Angels have the bases loaded yet again.
  8. Ya know, I don't hate Albert either (in fact I was excited when we signed him) but I find it increasingly hard to watch him gidp and kill innings for the $250M he's getting paid. I would much prefer the Albert that got hot last season instead of the Albert that has gone pull happy against the shift. It may not be fair but I'd find it a lot easier to take if he was making half of what he is. At his salary (given his below par performance) it's just a reminder of how bad the Angels were taken to the cleaners on his contract. Sure we didn't have to sign him, but is there really anyone that would have predicted how far Albert would fall and so fast? That he would go from being the most feared hitter in the game to a .260 hitter as an Angel and falling practically over night? I'd just love it if Albert had a couple of big seasons because it would help my favorite team but that's not going to happen. Albert was only 32 when he arrived in Anaheim 4 years ago and it's really doubtful that he's going to improve at the age of 36. In fact he's probably had his best Angel seasons already and that is frightening to think about. Maybe Albert will get going and have a couple of good years and I'll have to eat some crow but I'm not going to hold my breath because I think we've seen the best of Albert already.
  9. For me the worst thing about today was that we got an unexpected win against King Felix yesterday then Shoemaker buries us in the first inning and doesn't even give us a chance. Dude gave up 7 runs in three innings with 4 in the first. Very disappointing.
  10. I'm normally pretty positive and not much of a knee-jerk reactionary, but I just can't see giving Shoemaker another chance to bury us early on like today. He really hasn't been consistently effective since 2014. I think it's time to realize that he was a one year wonder. He helped save the the season that year but that can only go so far. I don't know who they might replace him with but I'm afraid something needs to be done. Sorry Shoe, you made me a fan of yours in 2014 but you're just not getting it done now.
  11. On to the ninth and it's up to Albert, Kole, and Soto to start the come back. [wishful thinking]
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