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Everything posted by Angels#1Fan

  1. It's a new month and a new day..Let's Go Halos!!!
  2. Hope Shoe can get it turned around because it's starting to look like there isn't going to be any help coming from Wilson, Heaney, or Skaggs anytime soon.
  3. I just can't see Albert retiring early. Money aside (and that's a big, big deal) Albert has several milestones just ahead that will cement his legacy as a great player and his future as a HOF inductee. Couple those two things and barring an injury I can't imagine him giving it up early.
  4. Just a couple of years ago Gordon was 145lbs soaking wet now he's something like 170/175.
  5. I honestly think steroids are still relatively common in baseball. The technology to mask the drugs is ahead of the detection process and as long as the chances are small of getting caught players will continue to take steroids because the risk/reward is in their favor. Gordon is a perfect example of the reward associated with taking that risk due to his lost income being just a small percentage of his new contract.
  6. If you think about it Dee Gordon is going to give up one million dollars in lost salary (as a result of his suspension) to gain his $49M contract. Pretty good trade off if you ask me.
  7. A lot of people (including me) would agree with that, but I think a huge fight with the Players Association would be inevitable if such an idea were ever floated. Cheating in order to get a bigger paycheck has become the norm in professional sports. It's really a shame.
  8. It must have been the AG reference? lol
  9. I thought this is the post steroid era? [/sarcasm]
  10. Of course you do. You have already stated you don't care how Weaver does this year..you still want him gone. Maybe Weaver will stink it up the rest of the year but I'm going to let his results dictate what my opinion of his performance is and I don't care about his peripherals or WAR.
  11. I think that's more appropriate, and I also think there are people that have completely given up on Weaver after having one bad season in his career and no matter how he does it'll never be good enough because they want him gone.
  12. Just by way of comparison yesterday Clayton Kershaw went 7 innings, gave up 7 hits 1 homer, and 5 runs. Did he get "shelled"?
  13. The point wasn't about the Angel offense, it was about Weavers performance. Certainly he didn't pitch great, but characterizing his outing as "getting shelled" is over the top imo.
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