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Everything posted by DEVLBAT

  1. This game is actually pretty exciting.
  2. I'd rather the Dodgers win than the Mets. Why the hell would I root for NYC in any capacity?
  3. Chris Young is 6'10". Jesus Christ.
  4. Can we get that Morales guy back?
  5. What is he supposed to say? "Thanks for the opportunity, shitbags! Man, do I have a lot of work to do and lasagna to make?"
  6. I'm pretty sure the Angels are going to be proactive in free agency this year. Specifically starting pitching and left field. Probably extra bullpen depth as well.
  7. I think the Angels need a legitimate number one starter and additional bullpen depth. Offense was the biggest problem. It always felt like they had to claw out every single run. You can't depend on one player to carry the team throughout the entire season. They have some problems to fix this offseason though. That's for sure.
  8. Ha! Want me to show it to the cat? 'Cause the cat's going to know what it is!
  9. They left their hearts on the field along with their dignity.
  10. I think all of those games--as much as they hurt--should be filed under "Should-ah, Would-ah, Could-ah." It'll definitely be a bummer if they don't make it into the postseason this year, but their complete meltdown in August is the most glaring indication for that. However, nobody can take away the fact they battled back and played their asses off this past month with their backs against the wall numerous times. It's definitely been...anxiety riddled watching them, but fun at the same time. That being said..I hope they murder Texas tomorrow and Arizona finally decides to show up.
  11. I thought the commentary was hilarious. It obviously wasn't meant in a scathing manner, but more of a critique on modern times. They weren't hurting anybody, but it does beg the question: why be at a baseball game (or anywhere, really) if you're just going to take pictures of yourself in a different atmosphere? My wife and I went to a show last night and it drove me crazy how everyone in the audience had their phones out either recording or taking pictures of the band's performance. Rather than live in the moment at that time they would rather watch it again later on a screen the size of their palm. Insane. I always think of this video with Marky Ramone: https://youtu.be/2SZiEFpC9Wg
  12. They're going to probably stun us and walk off for a win tonight. Or not.
  13. I was just going to say I find it peculiar there's still interleague play. Especially at the end of the regular season.
  14. I...need to drink this entire bottle of wine in front of me right now. I think I turned seven shades whiter watching this game.
  15. Angels never do anything easy. It's like it's embedded in their DNA. I'm fairly confident they're going to kill them though.
  16. I don't have a problem with them being aggressive on the base paths, but at least do it smartly.
  17. I just told my wife how much I hate "Drive home safely." Not memorable at all.
  18. Aren't all of the A's runs unearned? Regardless of how terrible they are...even garbage teams will take advantage of stupidity on the field,
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