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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. I can see where many might find it insensitive, even crass ... But given how irreverent Fisher was I do believe she personally would have dug it.
  2. You could probably say that about any actress from those days compared to today... I mean, part of the process in those contract days was to show you could dance, sing, and act... To her credit, Fisher had a great deal of success as a writer.
  3. I saw that -- I took it to mean he ended up seeing she was so much more than just pretty... but then again I don't go looking for insults in everything. Looking forward to the next anti-bullying crusade where all these same people who jumped all over Steve Martin (a person who was actually friends with Fisher), will take up that battle flag and run with it.
  4. Not trying to get into the back and forth going on here but the funny thing is the bench actually did end up being better.... Just turned out the guys who made it better weren't the guys people were thinking would.. Marte, Petit, Bandy.. Those guys got the top three AB totals off the bench and honestly -- hard to argue with OPS+s of 115, 80, 85 from bench players. Soto would have actually lived up to the pre-season optimism had he stayed healthy. I think some of the optimism regarding the bench this year is that there is maybe a little more flexibility and potentially better athleticism. Catching seems a bit light right now IMO.
  5. If directly contradicting your statement means I understand your point.. Sure. Also, black is white and stop means go.
  6. Career .249/.302/.402-.711 OPS away from Baltimore Combined .250/.302/.422 - .724 OPS (94 OPS+) 2013-2016 Iannetta managed a 105 OPS+ and a 716 OPS as an Angel.... Weiters made 15 Mil last year. His bat hasn't been that impressive.
  7. Making more outs > Striking out. A player on a team 11 games out is more valuable than a player on a team 21 games back. -- An idiots guide to baseball
  8. If nothing else Maybin/Revere create a nice healthy competition in the OF -- two guys motivated to play everyday and earn a longer/bigger paycheck might just end up having good years. I'll take it over what we had last year and I particularly like that in Revere's case he does in fact bring the speed element into the game. No more removing a C late in the game and replacing him with Choi or some other slow guy.
  9. If Eppler can find a couple BP arms I'll be pretty content with this offseason. There hasn't been a move that we can point to as being an attention grabber but everything they have done seems to fit the overall picture without limiting their options next year or the year after. Every single one of these moves could fail but at least they made sense going into the season. Call it lowered expectations or just RELIEF.. But I'm okay with things just making sense again..
  10. Teams do stupid things all the time. We used Aybar as a 1-2 hitter at times too. He does top of the order type things.. he makes contact, he runs well, but he's not the sort of bat I'd ever want to see at the top of the order anymore than I did Aybar or to a lesser extent, Adam Kennedy. AK walked more... I think hes a good bet to get to an 80-85 OPS+
  11. Like I said, the top of the order talk is IMO off base, but he's got top of the order type speed and he's got a history for hitting for average, so I get why people look at those things and are happy and making those connections, particularly after last year when the names in LF were Gentry, Nava and five guys people never heard of before. There are things to legitimately like, he's overrated defensively IMO but he's got the speed to overcome his mistakes. Maybin, Espinos and Revere..... say what you will they all bring better wheels to the park than the guys they are stepping in for. It's a one year deal so they can move him or move on from him without any real damage done. It's also been a while since this team had someone that profiled as a pinch runner type, so I can see people being upbeat about that too -- particularly given who our manager is. Espinosa, Maybin, Revere, they all can get around the bases pretty decently. You know this team was going to be running like always so it's nice to see them adding guys who aren't slugs. It's not sexy, but it's not stupid or the sort of "wishful thinking" type addition that I think some people were expecting. If nothing else, it seems to at least fit.
  12. Little guy with an oblique issue. Last season was an outlier -- I don't get the "top of the order" talk either but I don't think they are adding him to be anything other than the 4th/platoon OFer.. Personally if he can put up an OPS+ of 85, I'd call it a success. Revere is what he is. A little guy with wheels.
  13. I remember you making a case for him over the bigger names.. Really nice add as a buy low guy. Can run, can play all three OF spots -- left handed bat. Good job Eppler and company.
  14. A guy we claimed off waivers and lost to Milwaukee a month ago...
  15. I'm sure Altuve would have willed his teammates to drive him in because that's what the better player does. They use the force and other magical stuff. Given Altuve's size it's likely pixie dust was involved. Stupid Trout is too big to be a pixie. Basically all the important stuff supports your opinions. Merry Xmas, Scarecrow.
  16. My biggest Angels peeve is that Trout isn't as good as Altuve.
  17. Hudson hasn't been a SP since like 2012. The arm injuries took a toll on him... outside of a lone start a couple of years ago he's been used as s RP. I think that one start may have been one of those RP specials.. Nova went cheap -- at that price the Angels should have been all over it.
  18. Tell me what their walk totals were - and then tell me what the net difference between a pop/ground out and a K is.. Smart fans know this stuff...
  19. I hated Gary Disarcina and I'm often vocal about it.. I think you're safe.
  20. It should def be in the running -- absolute greatness IMO.
  21. I like to think of projections as educated guesses -- neither pessimistic or optimistic.. They are based on historical trends and recent samples for the individual players - the rest is all math and theoretical results. As others have stated, they are typically conservative because the one thing they NEVER do is predict or project a breakout, so there is always a reason to look at a younger player with some degree of hope that they could take a significant step forward and blow out their projections.
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